Analysis of X-SAPR and C-SAPR Data from MC3E

Steven Rutledge Colorado State University
Angela Rowe Colorado State University
Brenda Dolan Colorado State University

Category: Field Campaigns

Image Thumbnail
Cross-sections of reflectivity and airflow (top panel), vertical motion and airflow (middle panel), and hydrometeor type and airflow (bottom panel) for the 20 May MCS observed in MC3E.

We will report on various analyses of X-SAPR and C-SAPR data collected during the joint DOE/NASA field project MC3E (Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment) carried out during May–June 2011 at the DOE ARM site near Lamont, Oklahoma. We have developed an attenuation correction for the X-SAPR data based on the differential phase method. Corrected X-SPAR reflectivity fields compare favorably to nearby KVNX NEXRAD data, except for areas where hail is identified. This underpins the difficulties of retrieving meaningful X-band data in hail regions.

We will also report on new activities involving a dual-wavelength (X-and C-band) Hydrometeor Identification algorithm. Also, we will report on results from a so-called blended rainfall algorithm using specific differential phase data at both X- and C-bands. Dual-Doppler derived air motion statistics along with hydrometeor types will be shown, aimed at developing suitable formats for comparing to ASR modeling efforts.

This poster will be displayed at ASR Science Team Meeting.

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