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State governments play an important role in advancing knowledge—notably through their support of academic research—and in promoting science- and technology-based economic development. They also undertake their own research in support of government functions over which states have influence and responsibility, such as those related to transportation, health, and the environment.


Includes state research and development expenditure data for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.


Data include expenditures by performer, source of funding, and type of R&D (e.g., basic research.) The scope of the collection includes amounts for all science and engineering outlays, including social science research. R&D capital expenditures, such as research lab construction and the purchase of buildings.


Biennial. The Bureau of the Census has been the data collection agent for the National Science Foundation for this survey since fiscal year 2006. Reported data are for fiscal years; collection begins approximately eight months after the fiscal year ends, and continues for approximately eight months.


This survey is a Web collection. Respondents key directly into a web form.


NSF publishes a Survey of State Research and Development Infobrief and a detailed report after each survey collection. Information and data from the NSF, Division of Science Resources Statistics are available on the web at http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/. To request a printed copy of this report go to http://www.nsf.gov/publications/orderpub.jsp or call (703) 292-PUBS (7827). For NSF’s Telephonic Device for the Deaf, dial toll-free (800) 281-8749 or (703) 292-5090.


NSF sponsors surveys of R&D activities of Federal and State agencies, higher education institutions, and private industries. The results of these surveys provide a consistent information base for government officials, state government officials and policy makers, industry professionals, and researchers to use in formulating public policy and planning in science and technology. These surveys allow for the analysis of current and historical trends in research and development in the U.S., as well as comparisons with other countries.



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You are here: Economic Programs Overview -> Governments -> Survey of State Research and Development Expenditures