Census Bureau
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About the Survey

U.S. Census Bureau as authorized by Title 13, United States Code, Section 161 for Census years and 182 for non-Census years.


Measure the number of federal, state, and local civilian government employees and their gross monthly payroll for March of the survey year for state and local governments and December of the survey year for the Federal Government.


The survey provides data on full-time and part-time employment, part-time hours worked, full-time equivalent employment, and payroll statistics by governmental function (i.e., elementary and secondary education, higher education, police protection, fire protection, financial administration, central staff services, judicial and legal, highways, public welfare, solid waste management, sewerage, parks and recreation, health, hospitals, water supply, electric power, gas supply, transit, natural resources, correction, libraries, air transportation, water transport and terminals, other education, state liquor stores, social insurance administration, and housing and community development).

The payroll data for the Federal Government are total monthly payroll only. There is no detail available for full-time or part-time employee payrolls. Three functions apply only to the Federal Government and have no counterpart at the state and local government levels: national defense and international relations, postal service, and space research and technology.


Data have been collected annually since 1957. A census is conducted every five years (years ending in ‘2’ and ‘7’). A sample of state and local governments is used to collect data in the intervening years. A new sample is selected every five years (years ending in ‘4’ and ‘9’).


Viewable summary tables for each state for each level of government and downloadable data files including summary tables, files of individual government data and files of county area data. Data are presented in total and by function. Customized tables can be created using Build-a-Table for 1997, 2002 and 2007 data.


The U.S. Congress, federal agencies, state and local governments, educational and research organizations, and the general public employ these results. Some major uses include the following:

Additional information on our methodology - the population of interest, data collection, data processing, and data quality, are available at How the Data are Collected


oEconomic Census

oAnnual Survey of State and Local Government Finances

oState and Local Government Public-Employee Retirement System Survey




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You are here: Economic Programs Overview -> Governments ->Annual Public Employment Survey