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Rep Walberg Votes to Stop Tax Hike

Washington, D.C. - Rep Tim Walberg voted today in favor of H.R. 8, the Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act, to block scheduled tax increases from being imposed on families and small businesses at the end of the year. The legislation passed by a bipartisan vote of 256 – 171.

H.R. 8 would block scheduled tax increases at the end of the year by extending current income tax rates for one year. The extension helps serve as the bridge to tax reform in 2013.

“The president’s economy has hit middle class families and small businesses hard. If these tax hikes are not stopped, the ability for small businesses to invest and hire will be further hampered. Meanwhile, middle-class families will be taxed an extra $2,200 on top of their already tight budgets. One of the worst things Congress can do is to raise taxes on the American people as we try to avoid falling back into a recession. These hikes must be stopped,” said Rep Walberg following the vote.