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Rep Tim Walberg Votes To Hold Washington Bureaucrats Accountable

Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Representative Tim Walberg voted in favor H.R. 10, the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2011. The bill requires that both Congress and the President approve of all new major rules created by federal agencies. A major rule is defined as any regulation which will have an annual economic cost of more than $100 million. Congressman Walberg is a co-sponsor of the bill.

According to the legislation, a major rule is defined as any regulation which will have an annual economic impact of $100 million or more, will result in a major increase in costs or prices, or impose a significant negative effect on competition and jobs.

“Washington bureaucrats have been unilaterally implementing costly regulations that are destroying American jobs and this must stop now.  I voted for the REINS Act because it a common sense, pro-jobs initiative that requires bureaucrats receive approval from the elected representatives of the people before enacting the costly regulations,” commented Congressman Walberg following the vote.

The bill passed by a 241 to 184 vote.