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MEPS Topics: Medical Conditions
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Medical Conditions
Description: In MEPS, a medical condition is defined as a physical or mental health problem that can be identified by a health care professional by examining a patient and using tests. Certain conditions have been designated as priority conditions (PRIOLIST=1) because of their prevalence, expense, or relevance to policy. Some are long-term, life-threatening conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, emphysema, high cholesterol, hypertension, ishemic heart disease, and stroke. Others are chronic manageable conditions, including arthritis, and asthma. Conditions data were collected from household respondents during each round as verbatim text and coded by professional coders using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision. Medical Conditions Files are available as full year files.
Data tables: For tables specifically on medical conditions, go the Expenditures by Medical Condition tables of the HC Summary Data Tables.
Analytic tools: No medical conditions variables are available in the MEPSnet query tools at this time.
Audioicon AHRQ Podcasts: Healthcare 411 Series: The Nation's 10 Most Expensive Medical Conditions 00:53 (MM:SS)
Healthcare 411 Series: Headaches 01:27 (MM:SS)
Healthcare 411 Series: Adults with Chronic Diseases Continue to Smoke 00:53 (MM:SS)
Publications: Publications are listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).
Asthma Medication Use among Adults with Reported Treatment for Asthma, United States, 1998-1999 and 2008-2009 
Statistical Brief #378 
Trends in the Pharmaceutical Treatment of Asthma in Adults, 1998 to 2009 
Research Findings #33 
Changes in Adult Asthma Medication Use and Expenditures, United States, 1998-1999 to 2008-2009 
Statistical Brief #374 
Trends in Person Characteristics and Expenditures for Persons Under Age 65 Reporting Migraine Headaches, 1997 and 2007 
Statistical Brief #316 
The Five Most Costly Conditions, 1996 and 2006: Estimates for the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population 
Statistical Brief #248 
The Five Most Costly Children's Conditions, 2006: Estimates for the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Children, Ages 0-17 
Statistical Brief #242 
Total Medical and Prescription Expenditures by Current Asthma Status and Whether Asthma Daily Preventive Medicine Is Being Taken, United States, 2006 
Statistical Brief #241 
Asthma Preventive Medicine in 2006 - Who Takes Them? 
Statistical Brief #237 
The Top Five Therapeutic Classes of Outpatient Prescription Drugs Ordered by Total Expense for the Medicare Population Age 65 and Older in the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population, 2006 
Statistical Brief #238 
The Top Five Therapeutic Classes of Outpatient Prescription Drugs Ranked by Total Expense for Adults Age 18 and Older in the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population, 2006 
Statistical Brief #232 
Ear Infections (Otitis Media) in Children (0-17): Use and Expenditures, 2006 
Statistical Brief #228 
Influenza Immunization Rates for Selected at Risk Populations among the U.S. Adult Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population, 2006 
Statistical Brief #226 
Arthritis: Use and Expenditures among U.S. Adult Noninstitutionalized Population, 2005 
Statistical Brief #222 
Allergic Rhinitis: Trends in Use and Expenditures, 2000 and 2005 
Statistical Brief #204 
Health Care Expenses for Adults with Chronic Conditions, 2005 
Statistical Brief #203 
Comparing Population Characteristics of Persons Purchasing Prescribed Drugs from Mail Order Pharmacies with Persons Purchasing Prescribed Drugs from Other Outlets, 2005 
Statistical Brief #200 
The Top Five Therapeutic Classes of Outpatient Prescription Drugs Ranked by Total Expense for the Medicare Population Age 65 and Older in the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population, 2005 
Statistical Brief #199 
The Top Five Therapeutic Classes of Outpatient Prescription Drugs Ranked by Total Expense for Adults Age 18 and Older in the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population, 2005 
Statistical Brief #198 
Estimating the Cost of Illness: The Case of Diabetes 
Working Paper #8001 
Average Annual Health Care Use and Expenses for Shingles among the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population, 2003-2005 
Statistical Brief #194 
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   Page last revised:  October 5, 2009