Congressional Fire Services Caucus

The Congressional Fire Services Caucus is the largest caucus in Congress with over 320 members. Founded by former Congressman Curt Weldon in 1987, the Caucus unites Republicans and Democrats in support of fire service legislation that benefit all first responders. Becoming a member does not require taking positions on legislation; rather Caucus members are asked to pledge support in a way that best benefits fire departments in their respective Congressional Districts.

To preserve the bipartisan spirit of the Caucus, the chairmanship rotates every two years between Republican and Democratic members. Previous chairmen include Senator Joseph Biden (DE), Senator John McCain (AZ), Senator Paul Sarbanes (MD), Senator Willaim V. Roth, Jr.(DE), Congressmen Weldon (PA), Steny Hoyer (MD), Sherwood Boehlert (NY) and Robert Andrews (NJ)

For information about a caucus leader, click a name below to activate his/her official webpage. If you want to know if your member serves on the Fire Caucus, refer to the caucus directory. If your member is not on the list, please encourage him/her to join. Please refer to the sample letter included on the CFSI web site for suggestions on writing your member’s office regarding caucus membership and supporting important fire service legislation.

Tom Carper

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