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Rota's Fleet and Family Support

Hours of Operation Monday-Friday 0800-1630

Phone DSN 727-3232

Commercial 34-956-82-3232

Deployment Readiness

Deployments are a way of life for military service members and their families. Whether single or married, there are effective ways of meeting the challenges of this unique lifestyle and helping you to achieve a continuous level of personal and family readiness.  The FFSC collaborates with command leadership to assist active duty service members and families to successfully manage the separation/reunion cycles associated with military duty.

Services include:

  • Pre-deployment briefings for single/married personnel and children. The brief may focus on topics such as readiness and preparation, the emotional aspects of deployment, the effects of deployment on children, and how to manage your finances while deployed.
  • Return and reunion outreach programs. These classes are designed to help sailors reintegrate with their family and community after an extended deployment or IA.
  • Individual counseling. Once a service member is mobilized, family members may find they need assistance with a particular problem or be in need of general support.
  • Active duty service members may also find that they have some post deployment concerns. Professional counselors can provide confidential short-term counseling services, information, and referrals. Life skills classes are also offered.

Personal Counseling

The Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) offers confidential clinical counseling services to active duty service members, retirees, DOD civilians, civilian contractors, and their family members. Services are short term, solution focused treatment, usually not to exceed eight sessions. Referrals to other military and civilian resources are provided, as needed.

Family Advocacy

Long deployments, frequent moves, and mission readiness demands impose many stresses on military families, often leading to marital and parent-child conflict. Concern for the welfare of Navy families and the effects of family violence on military performance prompted the establishment of the Family Advocacy Program (FAP) in 1976.

The five primary goals of FAP are:
· Prevention of family violence
· Victim safety and protection
· Offender accountability
· Rehabilitative education and counseling
· Command intervention

The Fleet and Family Support Center offers awareness and prevention programs to commands, childcare providers, individuals, couples, families and community groups on issues of domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, and child sexual abuse. Classes are also offered for anger management and various parenting programs.

New Parent Counseling

Service members and family members are put in uniquely stressful situations, such as lengthy deployments and frequent moves, often with limited support. Add the normal anxieties of pregnancy and a new baby, and the stress can be overwhelming. The New Parent Support Program is in place to help service members and their spouses adjust to the rigorous demands of parenthood. It is designed to promote healthy family functioning, child development, and positive parent-child interactions. Home visitation is a key component of the program.

Sexual Assault  Prevention and Response Program

The Navy's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program (SAPR) - formerly the Sexual Assault Victim Intervention (SAVI) Program - provides a comprehensive, standardized, victim-sensitive system to prevent and respond to sexual assaults Navy wide. This is done through sexual assault awareness and prevention education, victim advocacy, and data collection.
The intervention portion of the program is designed to support victims and their families as they deal with the many issues following sexual assault trauma. 
Sexual Assault Victim Advocates are specially trained volunteers who:
o                        Respond quickly to sexual assault victims
o                        Provide information and explain reporting options
o                        At victim's request, accompany victims during medical, investigative, and legal proceedings
o                        Make referrals for military and community assistance
o                        Help victims through overwhelming feelings
o                        Help victims work through barriers and provide non-clinical support 

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
(SAPR) Victim Advocate 24/7 Duty Phone:
Command NOT notified.
Law Enforcement NOT notified.
Sexual Assault Victim receives medical treatment, advocacy, and counseling.
FFSC Daytime Contact Phone:
Command IS notified.
Law Enforcement IS notified.
Sexual Assault Victim receives medical treatment, advocacy and counseling.