October 4, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

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Photo courtesy of the Los Angeles Times

Photo courtesy of the Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times writes, “Mortgage refinances surge to highest level since April 2009.”

“Landlord Gains Slow as Homebuying Tops Renting: Mortgages,” reports Businessweek.

The Chicago Tribune runs, “Wells Fargo to Help 550 Chicago area homebuyers with down payment.”

“Lennar plans 700 homes in four new communities,” reports Charlotte Business Journal.



October 3, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

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Photo courtesy of CNN Money

Photo courtesy of CNN Money

CNN Money writes, “Economists: Housing recovery finally here.

“CoreLogic: Home prices rise 4.6% from last year” reports, Housingwire.

USA Today runs, “Home prices are rising fast.”

The Daily Breeze prints, “Fannie Mae: Despite It All, Americans Want to Buy, Not Rent.

And lastly, “Big investments in homeless programs, facilities could save Greater Portland $3 million per year down the road” writes Bangor Daily News.


October 2, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

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Photo courtesy of Dallas News

Photo courtesy of Dallas News

The Hill reports “Overnight Money: Donovan talks housing recovery”.

“Changes in mortgage servicing to take effect writes” the Washington Post.

HUD chief, in Charlotte, says housing market recovering” reports the Charlotte Observer.

The Washington Post publishes “VOICE sings Bank of America’s praises in Woodbridge.

And, “Program gives homeless a chance to start a business” says Dallas News.

October 1, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

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Screen shot courtesy of C-SPAN

Today, the Charlotte Observer posts, “HUD chief, in Charlotte, says housing market recovering.”

The Hill writes, “Donovan talks housing recovery.”

Secretary Donovan appears on C-SPAN’s Newsmakers, talks housing market stimulation.

The Washington Post runs, “Hands off Homeowners’ Tax Break, HUD chief says.”

The Wall Street Journal ran “HUD’s Donovan: ‘Not The Time’ for Big Changes to Mortgage Tax Break.”

And, President Obama gives weekly address, “Congress should approve mortgage refinance plan to help struggling homeowners.”