Argonne National Laboratory Biosciences Division
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Research projects in the Division range from fundamental studies of genome sequences using molecular biology and computational strategies as well as experimental validation of protein structure/function to detailed analysis of field samples for the characterization of natural biochemical processes at the molecular level.

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The mission of the Biosciences Division is to use state-of-the-art technology to conduct multidisciplinary basic research that will increase our understanding of the fundamental molecular mechanisms of life with the goal of enabling important advances in environmental protection and remediation, energy production and sustainability, and human health and welfare.
Using jackhammer to dig a sampling pit in frozen soilAlaska Soil Research Project Aiming to Improve Understanding of Global Climate
November 26, 2012 — A research team being led by Julie Jastrow, an ecologist at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, recently traveled to the North Slope of Alaska as part of a soil research project that aims to ultimately help improve and validate global climate models. Read more.
Photo of Metagenomics meeting attendeesArgonne-Sponsored Meeting Showcases Scientific Advances in Soil Metagenomics
October 10, 2012 — More than 140 researchers from the United States, Canada, Brazil, Asia (Taiwan), and Europe (Czech Republic, France, Germany, Spain) gathered at the Indian Lakes Resort near Chicago to participate in the 4th Annual Argonne Soil Metagenomics meeting October 3–5. Read more.
Microbial BebopSongs in the key of sea
September 27, 2012 — Soft horns and a tinkling piano form the backbone of "Fifty Degrees North, Four Degrees West," a jazz number with two interesting twists: it has no composer and no actual musicians. Unless you count bacteria, that is. Read more.
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