Code Type:

  • NC = No Credit
  • EL = Elective
  • G = Grad. Requirement
  • GC = Computer
  • GD = Second Language
  • GE = Social Studies
  • GF = Fine Arts
  • GG = US Government
  • GH = Health
  • GL = Language Arts
  • GM = Mathematics
  • GP = Pysical Education
  • GS = Science
  • GU = US History
  • GV = Careers
  • MS = Middle School
  • SE = Special Education
  • AP = Advanced Placement

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SCP501: Physics (2012-2013)

CALENDAR YEAR: 2012-2013

Laboratory Requirement: Students who take this course spend a minimum of 30% of their time engaged in hands-on laboratory exercises. All DoDEA Science courses have a minimum 30% dedicated time for laboratory exercises. This translates to approximately 54 instructional days or 16 to 27 multi-day laboratories dedicated to student hands on laboratory time. Demonstrations and virtual laboratories, while useful in the classroom, do not count toward the 30% laboratory requirement.

Major Concepts/Content: Physics presents basic concepts of physics in relation to world experiences. Information is presented in an integrated approach, linking physics with technology, social perspectives, and the history and nature of science.

Physics is designed to provide an understanding of the physical laws fundamental to all sciences. Fundamental laws of mechanics are introduced, along with measurement and problem-solving techniques. Other topics included are wave theory, heat, sound, light, magnetism, electricity, atomic structure, nuclear reactions, and high energy physics.

Major Instructional Activities: Scientific inquiry is defined as the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence derived from their work. Scientific inquiry also refers to the activities through which students develop knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, as well as an understanding of how scientists study the natural world (NSTA, 2004). Based on the philosophy that scientific knowledge is best acquired through inquiry, the course uses a variety of techniques to promote inquiry in the classroom (ex. multiple revisions, high quality questioning, synthesis, making conclusions based on evidence, etc).

Instructional activities are staged in appropriate settings. They include laboratories, classrooms, forms of technology, and field studies. Teaching strategies include in depth laboratory investigations, demonstrations, collaborative peer-to-peer discussions, and student hands-on experiences.

Major Evaluative Techniques: All aspects of progress in science are measured using multiple methods such as authentic assessments, performance assessments, formative assessments, observational assessments, projects, research activities, reports, group and individual student work and conventional summative assessments.

Course Objectives: Upon completion of Physics, students should be able to:

  • Engage in full and partial scientific inquiries to design, conduct, and communicate scientific investigations to explore ideas about the natural world.
  • Use scientific inquiry to design and conduct scientific investigations to meet a human need, make a decision, solve a human problem, or develop a product.
  • Recognize and describe the interrelationship between science and technology.
  • Apply the tools of technology (e.g., computers) in scientific endeavors.
  • Identify qualities inherent in scientific behavior (e.g., reasoning, insight, energy, skill, and creativity).
  • Discuss contributions of men and women of various social and ethnic backgrounds to science and technology.
  • Apply science concepts to make decisions (weighing risks and benefits) about students' personal health and well-being.
  • Understand the principles of motion and force.
  • Apply principles of conservation of energy and describe the associated increase in disorder.
  • Relate the interactions between matter and energy.

This course can be used to partially satisfy the requirements for an endorsement in the following pathways.

Cluster | Pathway | Required/Recommended/Related
Manufacturing | Manufacturing Production Process Development | Recommended
Architecture and Construction | Design/Pre-Construction | Recommended