. FDIC OIG Policies and Procedures Manual
NOTE: In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)(5 U.S.C 552), we are releasing various chapters of this office's administrative staff manual to the extent that those chapters affect a member of the public. The chapters being released are those underlined below, which link to the identified chapter. In some cases, redactions have been made to portions of those chapters to protect certain governmental interests, as permitted by the FOIA; for example, "(b)(2)" means that governmental controls or processes could be impeded if the information were released; "(b)(6)" means personal privacy is being protected. Where a chapter is being withheld in full under those circumstances, we have identified such a chapter with the provision in FOIA permitting the withholding. Chapters that do not affect a member of the public are identified with as asterisk (*).
Section OIG-100 Authority and Organization
Chapter 100.1 Mission and Organization
Attachment A:: OIG Organizational Chart
Chapter 100.2
Delegations of Authority
Attachment A: OIG Procurement and Payment Delegations for Contract, Leases, and Non-Procurement Related Expenses
Attachment B: OIG Redelegations of Personnel Functional Authority
Section OIG-110 General Management Policies and Procedures
Chapter 110.1 Issuing OIG Policy *
Attachment A: OIG Policies and Procedural Manual Contents *
Attachment B: Format for OIG Manual Chapter *
Attachment C: Sample Transmittal
Chapter 110.2
Handling Congressional and Chairman's Office Inquiries
Chapter 110.3 OIG Hotline
Chapter 110.4 Confidential Sources
Chapter 110.5 Disclosure of Potential Impeachment Information *
Attachment A: Disclosure of Potential Impeachment Information *
Chapter 110.6 Office of Inspector General Subpoenas
Attachment A: OIG Subpoena Request Form
Chapter 110.7 Release of OIG Reports to the Public and Congress
Chapter 110.8 Treatment of Allegations Against the Inspector General or other OIG Employees
Chapter 110.9 Media Contacts
Chapter 110.10 OIG Guidance on the Use of Personal Digital Assistants at FDIC
Chapter 110.11 Handling Sensitive Information on Laptops and Portable Media *
Section OIG-120 Human Resource Management Policies and Procedures
Chapter 120.1 Training and Professional Development *
Attachment A: Office of Inspector General Training Guidelines and Procedures *
Attachment B: Office of Inspector General Career Development Plans *
Attachment C: Summary of Approval, Registration, and Payment Processes by Type of Training *
Attachment D: OIG-Supported Professional Certifications *

Chapter 120.2 OIG Awards Program *
Chapter 120.3 Applicability of FDIC Personnel Practices *
Chapter 120.4 Drug Free Workplace Program *
Chapter 120.5 OIG Diversity Awards *
Attachment A: Diversity Recognition Certificate Nomination Form *
Chapter 120.6 Change in the Merit Promotion Plan *
Section OIG-130 Administrative Policies and Procedures
Chapter 130.1 Procurement and Invoice Processing
Chapter 130.2 Relocation *
Chapter 130.3 OIG Records Disposition Program *
Attachment A: FDIC Records Retention and Disposition Schedule *
Chapter 130.4 Travel Expenses for Cooperative Education *
Section OIG-140 Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity Policies and Procedures
Chapter 140.1 OIG Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity *
Section OIG-200 Evaluation Authorities and Responsibilities
Chapter 200.1 Standards and Requirements *
Section OIG-210 Evaluation Operating Procedures
Chapter 210.1 Evaluation Planning, Field Work, and Reporting *
  Attachment A: Approvals to Issue Evaluation Draft Report *
  Attachment B: Approvals to Issue Evaluation Final Report *
  Attachment C: Quality Standards for Inspections Checklist *
Section OIG-300 Audit Authorities and Responsibilities
Chapter 300.1 Standards and Requirements *
Chapter 300.2 Independence
Chapter 300.3 Types of Engagements *
Section OIG-310 Assignment Management
Chapter 310.1 Assignment Management Process Overview *
Chapter 310.2 Communication With Management *
Chapter 310.3 Assignment Documentation *
Chapter 310.4 Assignment Initiation *
Chapter 310.5 Assignment Planning *
Chapter 310.6 Assignment Performance *
Chapter 310.7 Assignment Reporting *
Chapter 310.8 Assignment Close-out and Follow-up *
Section OIG-320 Assignment Quality Control
Chapter 320.1 Internal Quality Control Reviews *
Chapter 320.2 External Peer Reviews *
Section OIG-330 Other Activities
Chapter 330.1 Working With Specialists
Chapter 330.2 Contractor Acquisition and Oversight
Section OIG-400 Investigative Operations
Chapter 400.1 Authorities and Organizations
Attachment A: Attorney General Guidelines for Offices of Inspector General with Statutory Law Enforcement Authority (b)(2)
Chapter 400.2 Case Management
Chapter 400.3 Statements, Affidavits, Interviews, Advisement of Rights (b)(2)
Chapter 400.4 Investigative Reports (b)(2)
Chapter 400.5 Evidence Handling
Attachment A: Electronic Crimes Unit Non-CFSA First Responder Procedures (b)(2)
Chapter 400.6 Grand Juries and Subpoenas
Chapter 400.7 Search and Seizure (b)(2)
Chapter 400.8 Special Investigative Techniques (b)(2)
Section OIG-410 Use of Force, Firearms, and Arrests
Chapter 410.1 Use of Force (b)(2)
Attachment A: DOJ Policy Statement Regarding Use of Force (b)(2)
Attachment B: FLETC Use of Force Model (b)(2)
Chapter 410.2 Firearms (b)(2)
Attachment A: Firing Range Procedures (b)(2)
Chapter 410.3 Arrests
Section OIG-420
Legal Guidelines
Chapter 420.1 Victim and Witness Protection Act
Chapter 420.2 Right to Financial Privacy Act
Chapter 420.3 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act (PFCRA)
Section OIG-430
Administrative Requirements
Chapter 430.1 Law Enforcement Availability Pay *
Chapter 430.2 Contigency Funds *
Chapter 430.3 Use of Government Vehicles *
Chapter 430.4 Badges and Credentials *
Section OIG-440
Occupational Health and Wellness
Chapter 440.1 Physical Fitness Program *
Chapter 440.2 Medical Standards and Physical Requirements
Attachment A: Medical Standards for FDIC OIG Criminal Investigators (CG-1811)
Section OIG-450
Appendix 1 Attorney General Materials
Appendix 1.1 Attorney General Guidance on Certain Employee Misconduct (b)(2)
Appendix 1.2 Attorney General Memorandum Issued January 20, 1998, on Procedures for Lawful, Warrantless Monitoring of Verbal Communications (b)(2)
Appendix 1.3 Attorney General Guidelines Issued in Draft, April 21 2004, on Office of Inspector General Undercover Operations (b)(2)

Appendix 2

OIG Agreements with FDIC*
Appendix 2.1 Memorandum, dated December 6, 2000, [ Material Redacted ]
Appendix 2.2 Memorandum, dated February 4, 2003, [ Material Redacted ]
Appendix 2.3 Memorandum, dated July 1, 2003, [ Material Redacted ]
Appendix 2.4 Memorandum, dated August 13, 2004, [ Material Redacted ]

Appendix 3

Appendix 3.1 Certification of Review of Investigations Policies and Procedures (Chapter 400.1) *
Appendix 3.2 Notification of Conflict of Interest Referral (Chapter 400.2) *
Appendix 3.3 OIG Statement (Chapter 400.3) *
Appendix 3.4 OIG Affidavit (Chapter 400.3) *
Appendix 3.5 OIG Memorandum of Interview (Chapter 400.3) *
Appendix 3.6 Miranda Warning - Non Employees (Chapter 400.3)
Appendix 3.7 Modified Miranda Warning - Employees (Chapter 400.3) *
Appendix 3.8 Garrity Warning (Chapter 400.3) *
Appendix 3.9 Kalkines Warning (Chapter 400.3) *
Appendix 3.10 OI Disposition Report (Chapter 400.4) *
Appendix 3.11 Evidence of Custody Document (Chapter 400.7) *
Appendix 3.12 Evidence Tag (Chapter 400.7) *
Appendix 3.13 Sample Search Plan *
Appendix 3.14 Search Briefing Guide *
Appendix 3.15 Search Team Assignment Sheet (Chapter 400.7) *
Appendix 3.16 Ammunition Inventory (Chapter 410.2) *
Appendix 3.17 Weapons Training Data (Chapter 410.2) *
Appendix 3.18 Weapons Receipt (Chapter 410.2) *
Appendix 3.19 Personal History Data Sheet (Chapter 410.3) *
Appendix 3.20 Supervisory Certification for RFPA Records Transfer Transfer (Chapter 420.2) *
Appendix 3.21 Sample Memorandum – Initial Agent Certification of Availability (Chapter 430.1) *
Appendix 3.22 Sample Memorandum – Initial Certification of Agent Availability from SAC to AIGI (Chapter 430.1) *
Appendix 3.23 Sample Memorandum – Annual Review and Certification of Agent Availability from SAC to AIGI (Chapter 430.1)*
Appendix 3.24 Sample Memorandum – Annual Agent Availability Pay Re-Certification (Chapter 430.1) *
Appendix 3.25 OIG Biweekly Availability Pay Report *
Appendix 3.26 Vehicle Trip Summary Log *
Last updated 8/17/2010