Tag: Qala-e-Naw

A total of 125 insurgents, mostly from Muqur and Qadis districts have materialized the abandonment of the armed struggle in the province of Badghis, handing their weapons over in a ceremony.

More than a hundred insurgents abandon the armed struggle and surrender their weapons in the province of Badghis

2012/07/22 • Comments

The PPR is making a remarkable success in the province of Badghis, which is highlighted in the rest of Afghanistan, as it is the province that has the highest number of reinstated insurgents. Currently more than 2,500 have taken up this plan.

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Spanish Paratroopers return to Afghanistan and take the lead of the Spanish Provincial Reconstruction Team and International Security Force in Badghis Province.

Spanish Paratroopers return to Afghanistan

2012/06/21 • Comments

The Spanish Paratrooper Brigade (BRIPAC) begins their mission with a lot of experience performing duties in Afghanistan, as it is the fifth time serving in the country, having gone through Mazar e Sharif, Kabul, Herat and Qala i Naw.

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