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Office of Disability Employment Policy
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ODEP - Office of Disability Employment Policy

Increasing Disability Employment in the Federal Government

A Toolkit for Federal Agencies on Implementing Executive Order 13548

IMAGE MAP: Toolkit for Federal Agencies - Step 1: Recruitment, Step 2: Hiring, Step 3: Training, Step 4: Creating a Welcoming Environment, Step 5: Retention Step 1: Training Step 2: Creating a Welcoming Environment Step 3: Recruitment Step 4: Hiring Step 5: Retention

Photos of Mathew, a federal judge; Joy, a federal employee; Nfafu, a federal employee

About this Toolkit

In July 2010, President Obama marked the 20th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by signing Executive Order 13548, which aims to transform the disability employment landscape within the federal government.� This directive calls on federal departments and agencies to increase the recruitment, hiring and retention of people with disabilities in coming years, and ODEP is proud to have been charged to assist the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) in implementing it.�

The following are ODEP tools that can assist federal agencies in their efforts to increase the employment of people of disabilities.� They guide users through five key steps toward making their agency a model employer, from initial recruitment to ongoing support and retention of employees with disabilities.�

Step 1: TrainingStep 1: Training
Educate yourself on promising employment practices

Step 2: Creating A Welcome EnvironmentStep 2: Creating A Welcoming Environment
Ensure that your workplace is accessible to all employees

Step 3: RecruitmentStep 3: Recruitment
Create a pipeline of talented workers with disabilities

Step 4: HiringStep 4: Hiring
Interview and hire qualified employees with disabilities

Step 5: RetentionStep 5: Retention
Keep valued employees with disabilities in your workplace