Unified Index

of the

Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures

This is a unified index of all terms in the Dictionary, including many created only for web searches. For instance, TSP is listed under "traveling salesman" (one "l" in "traveling"), the American spelling, and "travelling salesman" (two "l"s), the British spelling. Other variants are "quick sort" and "quicksort", and "sort" and "sorting algorithm".

Doubly linked list and its synonyms appears four times: as doubly linked list, symmetrically linked list, two-way linked list, and two-way list. The last two would occur close to each other in the main index, so "two-way list" is only in this index, which is for robots to find and index.

This page was never intended for human use. If you find a use for this page and have a suggestion to make it more usable, please let me  ( know.

Run on Tue Jan 22 12:01:21 2013

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Created Thu Jan 17 10:55:24 2002
by Paul E. Black  (
This Trailer Updated Wed Feb 4 09:12:19 2009
by Paul E. Black  (

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