edit operation


Definition: On a string, the operation of deletion, insertion, or substitution performed on a single symbol. On a tree, the deletion of a node v followed by the reassignment of all children of v to the node of which v was formerly a child, the insertion of a new node followed by the reassignment of some arcs departing from the parent of the new node, or the substitution of the label of one of the nodes with another label. Each edit operation may have an associated nonnegative real number representing its cost.

Note: From Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook, page 13-17, Copyright © 1999 by CRC Press LLC. Appearing in the Dictionary of Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, Copyright © 2000 CRC Press LLC.

Author: CRC-A

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Entry modified 19 August 2010.
HTML page formatted Fri Mar 25 16:20:34 2011.

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Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook, CRC Press LLC, 1999, "edit operation", in Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures [online], Paul E. Black, ed., U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. 19 August 2010. (accessed TODAY) Available from:

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