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Statement: July 16, 2009 Print this page
Docket Nos.: ER09-1246-000, ER09-1248-000, ER09-1253-000, ER09-1252-000, ER96-719-025, ER97-2801-026, and ER99-2156-018

Chairman Wellinghoff's statement on MidAmerican integration into the Midwest ISO

"I would like to thank Staff for its hard work on these orders.

The Commission has frequently addressed the benefits that organized wholesale electric markets bring to consumers, including improved operating performance. Organized markets also provide important opportunities for consumers to garner benefits from demand response. In addition, the organized markets expand energy supply options through increased access to renewable energy resources, such as the strong wind power resources that have and will be developed in the MidAmerican service territory. With such benefits in mind, I am pleased to support this package of orders that moves MidAmerican closer to integration in the Midwest ISO."

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Commissioner Jon Wellinghoff

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Updated: June 28, 2010