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Statement: September 16, 2010 Print this page

Statement of Commissioner Cheryl A. LaFleur on Staff Introductions

"I am honored and excited and look forward to working with all of you and to be joining the Commission at such an interesting time.

I won't be participating in the decisions today, but look forward to digging into the issues that the Commission will be addressing in coming months and years.

I know that everything the Commission does affects real customers, and helps shape the cost, reliability, and environmental impact of the energy they use. I will make it a high priority as I get started to meet a lot of people and educate myself about issues across different regions of the country and different sectors of the energy markets.

I have been very impressed with the talent and dedication of the folks who work at the Commission, and that was especially true as I worked to put together my team of advisors. I met a number of outstanding people whom I look forward to working with.

--The following individuals will be joining my advisory team:

My Technical Advisor will be Mary Cain. Mary is an electrical engineer who has been with FERC since 2004, working in the Offices of Reliability and Energy Market Regulation. For past 18 months, she has been on special assignment in the office of Senator Harry Reid, working on transmission issues and other energy matters. She will be rejoining FERC July 26 but is here today and I would ask her to stand and be recognized.

Ruta Skucas will be joining me as a Legal Advisor. Ruta has worked for the Commission since 2008 in the Energy Markets section of the OGC, and before that practiced for several years at White and Case in both electricity and gas law, and was also a law clerk at the Commission. Ruta is here today and I would ask her to stand. (She also has the misfortune to be the only one in the suite with me right now.)

My second Legal Advisor is Joshua Konecni, who has worked for the Commission since 2006, also in the Energy Markets section of the OGC working on a wide range of matters. Josh is on vacation this week but will be starting with us on Monday.

Thank you."

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Commissioner Cheryl A. LaFleur

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Updated:September 21, 2010