Welcome to the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program
Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program Balancing Resource Use and Conservation

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Adaptive Management Program

      Science Strategy

The Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) provides guidance for ensuring that implementation of the conservation measures will be based on scientific information, methods, principles, and standards. As new information on species and their habitats are gathered the adaptive management process  reviews and incorporates this new information as appropriate. Successful implementation of the HCP with scientific rigor, adaptive management, and cost efficiency requires development of a science strategy to provide a structural framework for incorporating these factors into Reclamation's planning, implementation, and decision making processes.

The Science Strategy, which can be found here, was developed to address two decision-making functions: the implementation decision-making process; and the processes that can be used to identify uncertainties and knowledge gaps, develop monitoring and research priorities, and incorporate new knowledge into a transparent process. The Science Strategy provides for an adaptive management process for improving the effectiveness of HCP implementation based on monitoring and research results. Further, the Science Strategy provides a process for identifying monitoring and research priorities using a 5-year planning cycle and a process for annually implementing these 5-year priorities during each planning cycle. The Five-Year Monitoring and Research Priorities Report (2008-2012) can be found here.

Updated October 14, 2011