Explore Science 

Try This

Exercise your science muscles! Look around you; notice some of the many things that relate to science. Can you find something that is made from chemicals? What kinds of chemicals? Why those chemicals? Can you find something that is not made of chemicals? We like to think about the science and mathematics behind everyday objects and experiences. Can you find something that does not relate to math?

Pi Day

Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. While it has been calculated to trillions of digits, pi starts 3.14159. . . and in honor of this number, many people celebrate March 14 (3/14) as Pi Day. Although we are not formally observing the date this year, we have put together a few pi facts to help you think about this remarkable number.

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Household magnets

Chances are very good that you have experimented with magnets. People have been fascinated with magnetism for thousands of years.  As familiar to us as they may be, magnets still have some surprises for us. Here is a small collection of some of our favorite magnet experiments.

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Fascinating fluids

Fluids are amazing. Fluids flow. Liquids have variable shapes but almost constant volumes. Gases take the shape of their containers and can be squeezed and stretched relatively easily. We are made of fluids, mostly water, arguably the most interesting compound in the universe.

What is fine sand? It is a solid, but it can behave like a liquid, flowing yet maintaining its volume. What is Jellotm? It is certainly not a solid! Smoke has solids in it, but it is not solid either.  Then there is the seriously weird world of superfluid helium. Liquid helium a few degrees above absolute zero can climb out of its cup, leak through molecule size pores in materials, and if swirled, can continue to revolve forever.

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Recipes for science

How to make gack

How to make oobleck

Children experimenting with paper chromatography. They used markers, filter paper, and water to explore the behaviors of ink molecules.  

Summer Adventures students explore the behavior of ink in our Paper Chromatography workshop.

updated 6.19.2012 @9:46 am