Riding the Rails

The nation’s first urban growth boundary was adopted in a year when 97 percent of all domestic passenger travel was not by car but by a combination of railroad, bus, and air. In that year, what percentage of travel was … Continue reading

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Great Places in America 2012

Great Places in America are places of exemplary character, quality, and planning. Great Streets, Great Neighborhoods, and Great Public Spaces are selected annually and announced in October. This year's list spans the continent from New York to Seattle and from Houston to Bozeman.

Upcoming Events

Planners Training Service: Planners Training Service offers one-day and two-day workshops in a variety of cities through the end of the year. CM

Tuesdays at APA: "The Australian Planning Experience" on October 16 in Washington; "The Greenest Building" on October 23 in Chicago. CM | 1.0

Open your eyes to new possibilities when you join thousands of planners from around the world at APA's National Planning Conference in Chicago on April 13-17, 2013. CM

New Publications from APA

The Rules That Shape Urban Form cover

The Rules That Shape Urban Form

Planners have a wide range of tools for shaping the form of cities and how they function. This practical report looks at six ways cities have adopted form-based zoning tools and the results that followed. Case studies describe the pros, cons, and consequences of form-based zoning in a variety of cities. Interviews with planners in each community give real-world perspectives on choosing, implementing, and evaluating form controls.

In Motion

In Motion: The Experience of Travel

The author of The Experience of Place returned to planning themes with In Motion: The Experience of Travel, now in paperback from APA Planners Press. Tony Hiss explores "Deep Travel" — open-sesame moments that can happen whether you're on a trek through the Khyber Pass or a trip to the mailbox. This intriguing book opens new paths of understanding for urban and regional planners, architects and landscape architects, and everyone else involved in creating transportation systems and public spaces.