For Teachers 

Homeschool Classes

We offer special classes for homeschooled children on the first Wednesday of every month. You may come for the class, the movie, or both!

Grades K-3      
10:15-10:45am: Magic School Bus movie
11am: Class

Grades 4 and Up
10:15am: Class
11-11:30am: Bill Nye video

Topics in 2012-2013

October 3: Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity and Chem Cam
November 7: Space Weather and Living With A Star
December 5: Chromatography (Geared toward primary grade ages)
January 9: Squishy Circuits
February 6: Observation: The Science of Sight
March 6: Nanoscale Science and Engineering
updated 9.19.2012 @12:41 pm