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Grain, Rice and Pulses

Designation Information and Applications

The United States Grain Standards Act, as amended (USGSA) allows the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) to designate persons, States, or local governments to provide official inspection and weighing services for a period up to 3 years.

Any person, State, or local government may apply for designation as an official agency to perform official inspection and/or weighing services. Section 7(f)(1)(A) of the USGSA lists the conditions and criteria for designation, and Section 7(f)(1)(B) says that an applicant must be better able to provide service than any other applicant for designation.

When and How to Apply
Applications for designation should be filed with GIPSA, according to the Federal Register notice which requests applicants for designation to perform official services. To apply online, visit FGISonline?s Delegation and Designation Application program.

Hard copy applications must include the Application for Designation (FGIS Form 942 (Sep 99)), Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (FGIS Form 100 (Jun 95)), and Certification Regarding Drug-free Workplace Requirements (USDA Form AD 1049 (5/90)). Applications must be submitted and accompanied by documents which show all information requested by GIPSA. To have forms mailed to you, or for additional information about GIPSA's delegation and designation programs contact GIPSA, FGIS, Compliance Division, Review Branch.

Evaluation of Applicants
GIPSA evaluates each applicant for designation to determine whether the applicant meets the conditions and criteria contained in Sections 7(f)(1)(A) and (B) of the USGSA, and Section 800.199 of the regulations.

Some factors GIPSA considers in determining which applicant is better able to provide service are past performance, quality and timeliness of service, commitment to excellence and customer service, cooperation with GIPSA, willingness and ability to purchase and use new technology, stability and adequacy of resources, the cost of official services, comments received, and the accuracy and detail of applications.


Last updated 04/09/2007


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