Applications/structure change

Application for the Issuance of Federal Reserve Bank Stock--Organizing National Bank
The FR 2030 is an application for the issuance of Federal Reserve Bank stock and is submitted by de novo national banks. The application requires a resolution by the applying bank's board of directors authorizing the transaction, an indication of the capital and surplus of the bank, and an indication of the number of shares and dollar amount of Federal Reserve Bank stock to be purchased.

Application for the Issuance of Federal Reserve Bank Stock--Nonmember State Bank Converting to National Bank
The FR 2030a is an application for the issuance of Federal Reserve Bank stock and is submitted by nonmember state banks converting into national banks. The application requires a resolution by the applying bank's board of directors authorizing the transaction, an indication of the capital and surplus of the bank, and an indication of the number of shares and dollar amount of Federal Reserve Bank stock to be purchased.

Application for Adjustment in Holdings of Federal Reserve Bank Stock
The FR 2056 is an application for adjustment of holdings of Federal Reserve Bank stock and must be filed each time an adjustment is made. The application requires information on the capital and surplus of the bank and the amount by which Federal Reserve Bank stock should be increased or decreased.

Notification of Foreign Branch Status
This reporting form has been combined into the FR Y-10 (Report of Changes in Organizational Structure) effective June, 30, 2007.

Survey to Obtain Information on the Relevant Market in Individual Merger Cases
Survey form FR 2060 is used in the collection of information from consumers and small businesses to determine whether they generally rely on local providers of financial services or obtain services from a broader geographic area such as a state or the entire country. The survey is conducted by telephone.

Interagency Bank Merger Act Application
This application must be filed by a state member bank before merging or consolidating with an insured depository institution, acquiring its assets (either directly or indirectly), or assuming the liability for any of its deposits (either directly or indirectly). It collects information on the basic legal and structural aspects of the proposed merger, consolidation, other combined transactions between nonaffiliated parties, or corporate reorganization between affiliated parties. It also collects information from state member banks that propose to establish a branch or branches pursuant to section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act.

Interagency Notice of Change in Bank Control
An FR 2081 report must be filed before a transaction resulting in a change in ownership or management of a state member bank or a bank holding company. This interagency information collection consists of three forms: Notice of Change in Control (FR 2081a), Notice of Change in Director or Senior Executive Officer (FR 2081b), and Biographical and Financial Report (FR 2081c). The FR 2081a and FR 2081b provide a detailed description of a proposed change in ownership or management, respectively. The FR 2081c is used by individuals and is filed in conjunction with the other reports to provide supporting financial and employment data.

Interagency Notice of Change in Director or Senior Executive Officer
An FR 2081 report must be filed before a transaction resulting in a change in ownership or management of a state member bank or a bank holding company. This interagency information collection consists of three forms: Notice of Change in Control (FR 2081a), Notice of Change in Director or Senior Executive Officer (FR 2081b), and Biographical and Financial Report (FR 2081c). The FR 2081a and FR 2081b provide a detailed description of a proposed change in ownership or management, respectively. The FR 2081c is used by individuals and is filed in conjunction with the other reports to provide supporting financial and employment data.

Interagency Biographical or Financial Report
An FR 2081 report must be filed before a transaction resulting in a change in ownership or management of a state member bank or a bank holding company. This interagency information collection consists of three forms: Notice of Change in Control (FR 2081a), Notice of Change in Director or Senior Executive Officer (FR 2081b), and Biographical and Financial Report (FR 2081c). The FR 2081a and FR 2081b provide a detailed description of a proposed change in ownership or management, respectively. The FR 2081c is used by individuals and is filed in conjunction with the other reports to provide supporting financial and employment data.

Registration of a Securities Holding Company
The reporting requirements associated with Regulation OO implement section 618 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act), which permits nonbank companies that own at least one registered securities broker or dealer, and that are required by a foreign regulator or provision of foreign law to be subject to comprehensive consolidated supervision, to register with the Board and subject themselves to supervision by the Board. The 2082 registration form asks for information on: the organization chart (including all subsidiaries), shareholders, senior officers and directors, methods used to monitor and control its operations, and foreign bank subsidiaries and the bank regulatory system in which these foreign bank subsidiaries operate.

Application for Membership in the Federal Reserve System
This application is a required one-time submission for institutions, other than national banks, seeking membership in the Federal Reserve System. The information provided on this application allows the Federal Reserve to evaluate the statutory criteria for admitting a new or existing bank into membership. The application collects financial and managerial information and information on competition and the convenience and needs of the community and is submitted to the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank. The FR 2083 provides general information and instructions with respect to membership. A related Application for Federal Reserve Bank Stock is submitted by state-chartered banks and mutual savings banks through the FR 2083A and FR 2083B respectively. The FR 2083C includes certifications to be provided by the applicant's organizers or directors.

Application for the Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Stock--Liquidating Member Banks
The FR 2086 is an application for the cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank stock. The FR 2086 requires a resolution by the applying bank's stockholders or board of directors.

Application for the Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Stock-- Member Bank Converting into or Merging with a Member or Nonmember Bank
The FR 2086a is an application for the cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank stock. FR 2086a requires a resolution by the applying bank's stockholders or board of directors.

Applications for the Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Stock-- Insolvent Member Banks
The FR 2087 is an application for the cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank stock. The FR 2087 is submitted by the appointed receiver of an insolvent member bank.

International Applications and Prior Notifications under Subparts A and C of Regulation K
The FR K-1 comprises a set of applications and notifications for banking organizations to establish foreign branches or Edge or agreement corporations, to invest in other foreign organizations, or to engage in new activities. They collect financial and managerial information and information on the company to be acquired or the activities to be engaged in.

International Applications and Prior Notifications Under Subpart B of Regulation K
The FR K-2 comprises a set of applications and notifications for foreign banking organizations seeking to open a branch, agency, or commercial lending company or representative office in the United States. The applications and notifications collect information on the operations, structure, and ownership of the applicant or notificant; the proposed office; the financial condition of the applicant or notificant; home country supervision; and the anti-money-laundering laws and regulations of the applicant or notificant's home country.

Report of Changes in Organizational Structure
File the FR Y-10 online

This report provides data on organizational structural changes for the reportable companies listed in the Respondent Panel section below. There are seven schedules: the Banking Schedule; the Nonbanking Schedule; the Merger Schedule; the 4(k) Schedule; the Branch, Agency, and Representative Office Schedule; the Foreign Branches of U.S. Banking Organizations Schedule; and the Domestic Branch Schedule.

Report of Changes in FBO Organizational Structure
This reporting form has been combined into the FR Y-10 (Report of Changes in Organizational Structure) effective June, 30, 2007.

Supplement to the Report of Changes in Organizational Structure
This reporting form has been combined into the FR Y-10 (Report of Changes in Organizational Structure) effective June, 30, 2007.

Application for a Foreign Organization to Become a Bank Holding Company
In 2005, the FR Y-1f was renumbered and retitled as the FR Y-3F, the Application for a Foreign Organization to Acquire a U.S. Bank or Bank Holding Company. This modification was made to achieve consistency with the FR Y-3, the Application for Prior Approval to Become a Bank Holding Company or for a Bank Holding Company to Acquire an Additional Bank or Bank Holding Company (OMB No. 7100-0121).

Application for Prior Approval to Become a Bank Holding Company, or for a Bank Holding Company to Acquire an Additional Bank or Bank Holding Company
The application collects information on proposed bank holding company (BHC) formations, acquisitions, and mergers. The information includes the pro forma financial condition of the applicant and of its proposed subsidiary(ies), the competitive effects of the proposal, and the effect of the proposed action on the convenience and needs of the affected communities.

Application for a Foreign Organization to Acquire a U.S. Bank or Bank Holding Company
The FR Y-3F collects comprehensive and systematic data on the structure of the proposed transaction, on its likely competitive effects, on its likely effects on the convenience and needs of the public, and on the present and pro forma financial condition of the applicant and its proposed subsidiary(ies).

Notification for Prior Approval to Become a Bank Holding Company, or for a Bank Holding Company to Acquire an Additional Bank or Bank Holding Company
The notification collects information on proposed bank holding company (BHC) formations, acquisitions, and mergers. The FR Y-3N is filed by BHCs meeting certain qualifications described in Regulation Y and requires less information and processing time than the FR Y-3 application.

Notification for Prior Approval to Engage Directly or Indirectly in Certain Nonbanking Activities
The notification collects information on proposed nonbanking activities by bank holding companies (BHCs). Different levels of detail are provided from BHCs depending on whether they meet certain qualifying criteria and the types of nonbanking activities in which they wish to engage. The complete notification procedure requires the most detail, including information on the activities to be conducted, the companies involved in the activities, public benefits, and financial and managerial information. Less detail is required under the expedited notification and the post-consummation procedures. The information requirements for each procedure are specified in Regulation Y.

Changes in Investments and Activities of Top-Tier Financial Holding Companies, Bank Holding Companies, and State Member Banks
This form has been replaced by the FR Y-10 (Report of Changes in Organizational Structure).

Foreign Banking Organization Structure Report on U.S. Banking and Nonbanking Activities
This form has been replaced by the FR Y-10F (Report of Changes in FBO Oragnizational Structure).

Last update: September 8, 2007