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Publication Order Fulfillment

GSA's citizen service, the Federal Citizen Information Center (FCIC), distributes millions of consumer publications every year on topics such as health, safety, housing, money, and more. These publications are listed in the quarterly, free Consumer Information Catalog.

From special targeted mailings to large-scale orders, the well-known publication distribution facility in Pueblo, Colorado, can manage publication projects and meet federal agencies’ high-volume warehouse needs. Pueblo can customize these services at competitive rates. These services are available for agencies seeking to distribute publications on their programs and services.

Partnering with FCIC offers federal agencies several benefits. Agencies can:

  • Reduce costs through economies of scale and shared services;
  • Optimize resources by redirecting agency personnel away from non-critical functions and back toward core missions; and
  • Expand the quality and quantity of their outreach to citizens.

The Federal Citizen Information Center is part of GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies (OCSIT.)

consumer publications, publications, publication distribution, FCIC