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Dressing for Success

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Before the interview, evaluate your personal appearance so that you can decide what changes need to be made so that you dress a manner that will convey to the interviewers that you are a person who looks like someone who can work here successfully and will be an asset to the company or agency.

Regardless of the position for which you're applying, entry-level or executive, in an office or factory, dress as well as your budget will allow. Your appearance is the first indicator of whether you fit in with the company. Dress as if you were an executive or the shop boss of the company. Invest in one good outfit for your interviews. Be as well groomed as possible. It'll be worth the expense in the long run. One way to ensure you will be appropriately dressed for the interview is to find out what is the usual dress code for the firm you are interviewing with and dress at a slightly better level.

To help you decide what to wear to an interview, visit the company and notice what people are wearing. Make sure your interview clothes are appropriate for the job. Don't wear a suit to an interview at a construction site or jeans and a sport shirt to an office setting. Pay attention to the differences in the way people dress depending on the industry and region of the country.

If you're applying for an office position, try to dress like an executive, in a suit with a tie and dress shirt. If you're not applying for an office job, you may not need to wear a suit. You should wear clean and well-pressed pants, though, and a dress shirt and tie are still appropriate, as is a jacket. Women can wear pantsuits, dresses or suits with shirts or tailored blouses. Also, make sure that your shoes are well polished and women should not wear very high heels. Do not wear flamboyant clothing or accessories. Avoid wearing flashy jewelry or strong perfume or cologne because they can be annoying and distracting.

If you are applying for a job that requires special clothing and gear and are told that you will be expected to demonstrate your skills, wear an appropriate uniform, but make sure that it is clean and well pressed. This will demonstrate your enthusiasm for the work and that you take pride in your skills. For instance, if you are applying for a job as a mechanic, you may be asked to demonstrate your skills on the spot. You should have your work clothes and tools available at the interview.

Dress is not just about receiving respect, but conveying it. Your appearance at an interview or on the job is a mirror that reflects your personal presence in the context of a work culture. Your appearance says a great deal about your work. Remember that the very first contact you have with people is visual. Make that first impression a good one. Dress appropriately, dress well.