
Pacific high school girls softball Fine Five

They say that good pitching is 75 percent of fastpitch softball. Okinawa has pitching in abundance, which is why Kadena and Kubasaki – and not necessarily in that order – stands as the favorite to bring home the Far East gold.

1, Kadena, Okinawa. The 1-2 punch of right-handers Kelly Kaneshiro and Lauren Youngs can be devastating. They don’t walk people.
2, Kubasaki, Okinawa. Righty Jackie Santoyo may be the Pacific’s hardest thrower. And the Dragons are now competitive with Kadena.
3, Nile C. Kinnick, Japan. Shortstop Michayla Robinson is arguably the finest five-tool player in the Pacific.
4, E.J. King, Japan. Nikka Stephens may be the most durable pitcher in the Pacific. Cut down on walks and she’ll be devastating.
5, Seoul American. Give left-hander Julia Ring a full season’s experience and she’ll be a shutdown starter.


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Oct. 12: Dave Ornauer recaps the Warrior Classic and last week's football action, and previews the Kanto cross-country finals.