U.S. Department of Justice

The Robert J. Kutak Memorial Library

The Robert J. Kutak Memorial Library is a specialized collection of corrections-related materials. The focus of the collection is on unpublished, operationally-oriented resources developed by correctional agencies for use by practitioners in the field. The collection includes items such as policies, procedural manuals, reports, newsletters, and training materials. The library also collects published materials on correctional topics and serves as a distribution center and archive for NIC publications.

Almost one-third of the library's materials are available through our online library. The library also provides research support to corrections practitioners through our Online Help Desk.

Submitting Items to the Library

New items are always welcome. If you know of an item that would be a good addition to the library's collection, please complete and submit the release form. We encourage materials that are professionally produced and available electronically (preferably in their original, editable format as well as in PDF, in the case of print documents). By submitting a release form, you give the library the right to reproduce and disseminate the item as it sees fit (unless otherwise indicated).

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