21st Century Statecraft: Continuing the Conversation

Posted by Alec Ross / February 01, 2012

Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Mike Hammer, center; responds to #AskMike questions from the Department’s official Spanish Twitter feed, @USAenEspanol, on January 24, 2012. Also pictured: Director of the Office of International Media Engagement Abigail Dressel, left; Specialist Assistant Mireille Zieseniss, third from right; Public Affairs Specialist Sarah Goldfarb, second from right; and Acting Director of Digital Communications Center Ed Dunn, right. [State Department photo by Ben Chang/ Public Domain]

Alec Ross serves as the Secretary of State's Senior Advisor for Innovation.

Technology and new innovations are changing the world in which we live. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is responding to these challenges by adapting our foreign policy agenda to leverage new innovations in service of our diplomatic and development goals. This is 21st Century Statecraft -- complementing traditional foreign policy tools with newly innovated and adapted instruments of statecraft that fully leverage the networks, technologies, and demographics of our interconnected world.

Today marks the end of "21st Century Statecraft Month" at that State Department -- an entire month dedicated to using new tools and engaging new networks in pursuit of addressing today's challenges. During the month, I had the privilege to speak with a group of journalists and bloggers during a Live at State video web chat, the Department's interactive "virtual press briefing" platform. As the journalists, bloggers, and I discussed, we at the Department of State, much like many others, are learning and adapting to a world that's becoming increasingly disrupted, both for good and for ill, by social media. What we're seeking to do here, under the leadership of Secretary Clinton, is to keep pace, to listen, to learn, and to experiment. Hopefully, we've accomplished a little bit of each of those during the month of 21st Century Statecraft.

For starters, the Secretary's Office of Innovation and the Office of the Chief of Protocol hosted more than 100 members of the diplomatic corps to discuss online movements and social media. Ambassador Dino Djalal of Indonesia served as a special guest speaker and shared with his colleagues how he is effectively using Twitter to communicate foreign policy initiatives.

In addition, State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland held the Department's first-ever "Twitter Briefing," answering your questions gathered from the Department's 11 official Twitter accounts. As part of that effort, the Bureau of Public Affairs launched the Department's official Turkish-language Twitter account (@ABDTurk), which complements U.S. Mission Turkey's existing social media outreach and represents the U.S. commitment to building a strong partnership with the government and people of Turkey. @ABDTurk joins the 10 other official feeds in Arabic, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Hindi, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.

Some other highlights from the month include:

· Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Michael Posner delivered keynote remarks on January 17 at the 8th annual State of the Net Conference. Two years after Secretary Clinton first addressed global Internet freedom as a core policy priority, the Assistant Secretary reflected on the challenges and responsibilities of the public and private sector to advance a free and open Internet.

· Director of Policy Planning Jake Sullivan outlined U.S. foreign policy priorities for 2012 during a Live at State video web chat.

· Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer delivered remarks at the launch of "Teaching Respect for All," UNESCO's curriculum development program that promotes anti-racism and tolerance. U.S. Special Representative to Muslim Communities Farah Pandith, U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Hannah Rosenthal, and other State Department officials joined a live web chat and Tweet-Up held in coordination with the event. You can join the ongoing discussion on Twitter by following the hashtag, #Dignity4All.

· Ambassador Ivo Daalder, Ambassador David Huebner, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Ann Stock, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Mike Hammer, and the U.S. Missions to Haiti, New Zealand, and NATO held Twitter Q&A's to discuss various U.S. foreign policy issues.

· The U.S. Department of State launched My State Department, an optional interface on www.state.gov that allows users to customize the information they see on the website. This gives the public the opportunity to follow the issues that matter most to them -- ranging from food security to global women's issues.

Many thanks to all who participated in 21st Century Statecraft Month; we have been greatly encouraged by the positive response. As we continue to forge U.S. digital diplomacy, we hope you will continue to be a part of the conversation and stay tuned to www.state.gov, the DipNote blog, @StateDept on Twitter and the U.S. Department of State's official Facebook page for additional engagements throughout 2012.

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MJS in Australia writes:

Appreciate you reflecting on whether or not giving control of statecraft policy since WWII over to Pathological Altruist Cultural Relativists has achieved anything other than unfathomable grief for those left behind to suffer the loss of those ignominiously sacrificed to such a failed policy paradigm, a bankrupted State and worse leaving the same foundation text you went in to destroy left intact? To do what again..?

Let me simplify what has and is happening:

"Hitler you will have to go we have to have a marker to prove we have done something but Hermann you and your friends can stay.

Be it secular or religious text if the construction of Other is the same the outcome will be the same. There were moderate/liberal Nazi who were 'appalled' by the treatment of the Jews. The foundation text remains unchanged so does the threat to security.

If you have no intention of changing the foundation text, be it secular or religious, by coercion if necessary you are throwing the Band of Brothers lives away for nothing, as well as infrastructure, education, health, security, - you get the picture.

Checked Dorian Gray US Statecraft recently its dripping....

Posted on Mon Mar 19, 2012

L.B. in South Africa writes:

I have been around for a even though now, i think about myself a loyal reader. Just thought i would let you know!

Posted on Tue Feb 07, 2012

L.B. in South Africa writes:

Loyal readers are difficult to come by, but u have just converted me! :)

Posted on Mon Feb 06, 2012

B.P. in the U.S.A. writes:

Howdy! I actually enjoy the logic and thinking of the contributor. Wonderful to see such ideas discussed on the internet. You certainly need to promote visitor communication and debate. Continue the wonderful efforts!

Posted on Thu Feb 02, 2012

Maureen in Massachusetts writes:

Thanks for this forward thinking initiative for the month of January that is opening new doors in digital diplomacy. It is eye opening to say the least.

Anyone for Google+ "21 Century Statecraft"?

Posted on Thu Feb 02, 2012

Dan S. in Washington, D.C. writes:

Here are some more examples of a few other 21st Century Statecraft initiatives underway at the State Department:

Tech@State: http://tech.state.gov/

TechCamps: http://techcampglobal.org/learn-about-techcamp.php

Virtual Student Foreign Service: http://www.state.gov/vsfs/ and

State's Office of eDiplomacy: http://www.state.gov/m/irm/ediplomacy/

Rio+2.0, Bridging Connection Technologies and Sustainable Development: http://enewschannels.com/2012/02/01/enc14207_130341.php

Posted on Thu Feb 02, 2012

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