Imagery and Geospatial Intelligence Branch (IPI) executes HQMC responsibilities concerning the development and coordination of the Marine Corps GEOINT plans, policies, operating concepts, doctrine, organization, training, and equipment. IPI serves as the principle Marine Corps representative for the Director of Intelligence within the national and joint imagery intelligence organizations, AGI, METOC and geospatial information committees, as well as participates in imagery and geospatial information community activates to satisfy Marine operating force requirements. IPI provides liaison officers to the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA).


  • Serve as the principle Marine Corps representative for the DIRINT to other service and national agencies for policies affecting the planning and direction, collection, processing, exploitation, and dissemination and utilization of GEOINT, as well as METOC.
  • Establish policy guidance and reviews doctrine for the tasking, collection, processing, exploitation, and dissemination of national level imagery and geospatial information to the marine Expeditionary Forces and MAGTFs operating afloat or ashore.
  • Coordinate Marine Corps imagery intelligence and geospatial information management and data management architecture matters with NGA, MCCDC, MCIA and MCSC.
  • Advocate for USMC requirements for space-based assets at IC forums.
  • Coordinate Marine Corps GEOINT, airborne ISR, and METOC issues with MCCDC, MCSC, MCIA, TECOM and other HQMC Staff elements such as C4, Installations and Logistics, and Aviation.
  • Participate in the Marine Corps 0261, 0241 and 68xx Course Content Review Boards.
  • Participate in the Community GEOINT Training Council sponsored by NGA.
  • Sponsor the Marine Corps GEOINT Technical Consultation Group.
  • Sponsor for the annual Marine Corps GEOINT conference.
  • Represent HQMC Intel at the USMC METOC symposium.
  • Conduct liaison with the NGA on matters relating to intelligence oversight and domestic coverage.

Points of Contact

Branch Head, Imagery and Geospatial Intelligence
COMM:  703.614.0843 
DSN:  224
VOIP:  984.5786

  • Deputy, Branch Head
    COMM:  703.614.5909
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IP/IPI)