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Quantum Physics Division


fingerprintingThe Quantum Physics Division works on fundamental, highly accurate, measurements and theoretical analyses, using quantum physics, quantum optics, chemical physics, gravitational physics, and geophysical measurements. In particular, the Division:

  • develops the laser as a precise measurement tool
  • determines fundamental constants and tests the fundamental postulates of physics
  • exploits Bose-Einstein condensation as well as quantum degenerate Fermi gases for metrology and low temperature physics
  • investigates new ways to direct and control atoms and molecules
  • characterizes chemical processes and their interactions with nanostructures
  • studies the interaction of ultrashort light pulses with matter and
  • measures nanometer scale motion of biological molecules.

JILA Publications

John L. Hall in his office at JILA

Photo by Lindy Hall

Long-time NIST Physicist Wins Nobel Prize: John (Jan) L. Hall, a JILA Fellow and long-time member of the Quantum Physics Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), has won the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physics along with two other researchers.

News Release

The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to Eric A. Cornell of NIST / JILA; Wolfgang Ketterle of MIT; and Carl E. Wieman of CU / JILA.

News Release

Physical Measurement Laboratory

Quantum Physics Division

General Information:
303-735-1985 Telephone
303-492-5235 Facsimile

JILA  A231
Boulder, CO 80309-0440