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HIV/AIDS Assets and Strategic Focus

Strategic Focus
The CDC and the Government of Botswana partnership began in 1995 to strengthen TB control through public health research. With the launch of the CDC DGHA office in 2000, the partnership grew to include HIV prevention, care and treatment and strategic information programs to maximize the quality, coverage and impact of Botswana’s national response to the HIV epidemic.

Strengthening Public Health Systems
CDC provides technical and direct assistance to the Government of Botswana to improve epidemiology, surveillance, laboratory, operations research and workforce capacity. The relationship has supported collaboration in a number of areas including HIV testing and counseling, HIV/TB control, prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission, and provision of a safe blood supply.

Strengthening Laboratory Systems and Networks
CDC builds in-country capacity for skilled laboratory workers and national laboratory services which are vital to the expansion of HIV treatment, diagnosis and care.

Notable Accomplishments

Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT)
  • The percentage of pregnant HIV positive Botswana women who receive antiretroviral prophylaxis through PMTCT clinics increased from 14% in 2002 to 94% in 2010. The rate of transmission from mother to child decreased from an estimated 30- 40% without any intervention to less than 4% currently. DGHA efforts now focus on technical assistance to improve feeding practices that will decrease infant mortality in HIV-exposed infants and integrating sexual reproductive health with HIV prevention services.

Laboratory Capacity
  • Through a multi-year PEPFAR-funded effort two public laboratories in Botswana were recently accredited by the South African National Accreditation System. Efforts to accredit eight other public laboratories are ongoing. Obtaining accreditation is part of the Government of Botswana’s five year laboratory strategic plan. DGHA supported this effort by implementing a quality management system in all district laboratories.

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
  • With PEPFAR funding and technical assistance from DGHA personnel, the Government of Botswana has successfully established a network of M&E officers to assist at the district level.

  • Also with assistance from DGHA, the Government of Botswana is developing electronic registers to capture HIV testing and PMTCT program data for evaluation and further program improvement.

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