Office of the Haiti Special Coordinator

Secretary Clinton appointed Thomas C. Adams as Haiti Special Coordinator in September 2010. The Haiti Special Coordinator and his office oversee U.S. Government engagement with Haiti, including diplomatic relations and the implementation of a reconstruction strategy in partnership with the Government of Haiti.

Date: 01/09/2012 Description: Seven-year-old Amelia bears a scar from where a concrete block struck her during the earthquake. She is a student at Ecole Marie Dominique Mazzarello in Port-au-Prince, which has classrooms built as part of the PHARE program of USAID. © Photo by Kendra Helmer/USAID
Haiti—Two Years Post Earthquake: What You May Not Know»
Haiti: Two Years Later»

Two years since the earthquake struck Haiti, USAID--working closely with other U.S. Government agencies and the international community, and in support of the Government of Haiti's objectives--has provided significant support for the emergency response and recovery process, and has provided a base for long-term sustainable development in the areas of infrastructure, energy, economic security, food security, health, education, and democracy and governance. More»
USAID's DIV Haiti initiative»

Date: 09/19/2011 Description: Secretary Clinton delivers remarks at the Haiti Key Players Ministerial Meeting, at the Intercontinental Hotel's Astor Room in New York City. - State Dept Image

Building a New Haiti
State Department Counselor Cheryl Mills spoke at the Options for Building a New Haiti Conference. View video of the event»

North Industrial Park in Haiti
Date: 01/11/2011 Description: Banner with Haitian seal; Great Seal of the United States; SAE-A Trading Co., Ltd. logo; IDB logo; and Haiti Interim Recovery Commission logo. - State Dept Image

State Department Counselor Cheryl Mills participated in the signing of an agreement between Sae-A Trading Co. Ltd., the Government of Haiti, the U.S., and the Inter-American Development Bank to develop a 623-acre industrial park in northern Haiti. Fact Sheet»


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