Advanced Mass Seminar

Minimum Requirements

Before attending the Advanced Mass Seminar, a participant must have attended the Intermediate seminar and have completed all required LAP problems. Ideally, the participant will have experience in performing mass calibrations at the high precision calibration level and will have a working knowledge of basic statistics, air buoyancy concepts, and measurement assurance and control. An understanding of the materials presented in the Basic and Intermediate Seminars is assumed.

The materials presented during the Advanced Mass Seminar include extensive discussion of the theory, mathematics and statistics behind the concepts and use of advanced weighing designs, associated uncertainties and measurement control. Individualized Lab Wizard software is distributed and Mass Code data files and software operation are covered. Review of Mass Code reports is covered,as are required modification of mass code report templates to individualize generated reports to the issuing laboratory policies. Additional technical topics that impact mass measurements, such as density and magnetism, are covered. All Advanced mass reference materials are provided. This course is coordinated and staffed by the NIST Office of Weights and Measures, the NIST Mass Group, and the NIST Statistical Engineering Division.

Advanced LAP problems are assigned to State participants at the completion of the course. Acceptable completion of the problems is required for NIST Office of Weights and Measures laboratory recognition of a State laboratory in support of extra fine accuracy mass calibrations.

Availability of a scientific calculator (minimum 10 digits) and familiarity with its operation is recommended.


The fee for 2010 is $1,495 which does NOT include meals, lodging or travel expenses. State weights and measures metrologists are funded by NIST OWM.

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