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Wavelength Standard Reference Materials

SRM # Name Brief Description Order Info
2514 Wavelength Reference for 1560-1595 nm - Carbon Monoxide (12C16O) Fiber-coupled molecular gas absorption cell with absorption lines in the WDM- L-Band between 1560 and 1595 nm  reference
2515 Wavelength Reference for 1595-1630 nm - Carbon Monoxide (13C16O) Fiber-coupled molecular gas absorption cell with absorption lines in the WDM- L-Band between 1595 and 1630 nm  reference
2517a High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1510–1540 nm Acetylene 12C2H2 Fiber-coupled molecular gas absorption cell with narrow absorption lines between 1510 and 1540 nm  reference
2519a  High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1530 nm - 1565 nm Hydrogen Cyanide H13C14N Fiber-coupled molecular gas absorption cell with narrow absorption lines between 1530 and 1565 nm  reference