ACAP On-Line the Arm'’s Official Transition Web Site. Start your transition process with Preseparation Counseling.


Workshop Online (JATA)

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You have elected to view a workshop online. The Job Assistance Training Application (JATA) is an automated employment assistance workshop you can use in short increments to complete training. While JATA does not provide the same learning experience as a TAP Employment Workshop, JATA does provide basic job search information and is self-explanatory and user-friendly. JATA is available when you are unable to attend a TAP Workshop and lets you learn workshop concepts at your convenience. As you work through JATA modules ACAP Counselors are available to provide assistance and answer any questions you might have. If you already have completed TAP, you can use JATA to review workshop topics.

To view JATA, Military Service Members must first receive preseparation counseling and complete DD Form 2648 or DD 2648-1.

You must register or already be registered with ACAP, the Army’s secured area of ACAP On-Line, in order to complete a workshop online.