Tri-Party Agreement
Community Relations Plan

This Community Relations Plan outlines the public participation processes implemented by the Tri-Parties under authority of the Tri-Party Agreement, and identifies several ways the public can participate in the Hanford Site cleanup decision-making process. In many cases, Hanford public involvement goes beyond what is required by law because the Tri-Parties believe public involvement is essential to cleanup success. The Tri-Parties conduct public involvement and information activities both cooperatively and independently.


Complete File
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SECTION 1 Information Resources and Public Participation Opportunities
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Hanford Cleanup Line
Internet Addresses
Mailing Lists
Tri-Party Agreement Publications
Hanford Tri-Party Agreement Public Information Repositories
News Media Activities
Hanford Site Tours
Public Involvement Opportunities
Public Comment Periods on Documents Related to the Tri-Party Agreement
Tri-Party Agreement Public Meetings
Tri-Party Agreement Quarerly Public Involvement Planning Meetings
Other Tri-Party Agreement Public Outreach Activities
Tri-Party Agreement Public Notification Process
Tri-Party Agreement Public Involvement Evaluation Process
Local Involvement
Briefings for Elected and Appointed Officials and Agency Representatives
Stakeholder Involvement
Hanford Advisory Board
Other Agencies Involved in Hanford Cleanup
Organizations Involved in Hanford Cleanup
EPA Technical Assistance Grants
Washington State Public Participation Grants

SECTION 2 Hanford Decision Process
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Hanford Tri-Party Agreement Decisions
Changes in the Tri-Party Agreement
Change Request Process
Resource Conversation and Recovery Act of 1976-Related Decisions
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 Decisions
Expedited Response Actions

SECTION 3 Description of the Hanford Site and Activities Carried Out on the Site
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Site Description
Hanford Site History
Science and Technology Mission
Past and Present Operations at the Hanford Site
100 Area
200 Area
B Plant and T Plant
Reduction Oxidation Plant and Plutonium Uranium Extraction Plant
Uranium Oxide Plant
Plutonium Finishing Plant
200 Area Laboratories
Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility
300 Area
400 Area
600 Area
1100 Area

SECTION 4 Tri-Cities Area Community Background
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APPENDIX A Reference: Other Laws
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APPENDIX B Documents to be Placed in Information Repositories
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APPENDIX C Hanford Tri-Party Agreement Community Relations Plan Update Process
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APPENDIX D Hanford Advisory Board Organization
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APPENDIX E Acronym List and Glossary
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Comment and Response Document
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For questions or comments, please send e-mail to Terry W Noland




Last Updated 07/23/2012 6:58 PM