U.S. Department of Justice

Evidence-Based Initiatives to Reduce Recidivism: A Study Commission by Act N. 41, 2011-2012 Legislative Session, State of Vermont

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Jun. 11, 2012

Library ID

  • 025984

Other Information

  • 2011
  • 89 pages

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  • Evidence-Based Initiatives to Reduce Recidivism: A Study Commission by Act N. 41, 2011-2012 Legislative Session, State of Vermont

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This analysis of evidence-based initiatives that reduce recidivism is comprised of two parts: “1) a literature review of “innovative programs and initiatives, including local programs and prison-based initiatives, best practices, and contemporary research regarding assessments of programmatic alternatives and pilot projects relating to reducing recidivism in the criminal justice system;” … and 2) a survey of Vermont criminal justice service providers to identify innovative programs and assess the level of evidenced-based programming in the state” (p. 1). This is an excellent primer on what programs exist that utilize evidence-based practices. Sections contained in this report are: executive summary; introduction; methodology; recidivism reduction programs—cognitive-behavioral, crime prevention and control, domestic violence, drug courts, DUI/DWI, education and vocational programs, innovative probation programs, mental health, sex offender treatment, substance abuse treatment, supervision strategies focusing on offender deficits, and transitional housing; eight effective principles of recidivism reduction programs; recidivism risk assessment tools; and Vermont criminal justice service provider survey results.

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