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Title:  Strategies for Improving Safety at Toll Plazas for Workers and Motorists
Date/Time:  5/22/2008 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time
Description:  Toll collection facilities present unique safety challenges both for the traveling public and for the workers who support the fare collection operation. A wide range of solutions have been developed and implemented to address these unique safety challenges. However, many of these solutions have been created by individual agencies that are geographically and institutionally isolated from one another. Consequently, while many of the techniques or strategies are quite innovative and might be applicable at other toll collection facilities, their use has not yet extended beyond a single agency. To address this problem, Congress called for a Toll Facility Safety Study to be conducted by the U.S. Department of Transportation. This study involved gathering information on specific safety strategies directly from those who operate and who work in and around toll facilities. Information was gathered through an industry survey, telephone interviews, site visits and in-person interviews, and an industry workshop. Altogether, individuals from over 35 tolling authorities were consulted, and from discussions with these individuals, 94 strategies were identified that are currently in use across the country that may have the potential to improve safety at toll collection facilities by: Improving Worker Safety when Accessing Toll Booths; Reducing Worker Exposure to the Environment; Improving Ergonomics for Workers; Reducing Worker Risk of Assault; Reducing Unsafe Merging and Lane Changing; Reducing Speeding; Reducing Driver Confusion and Driver Inattention; Improving Safety through Overarching Strategies (e.g., training, a culture of safety, etc.); Maintaining Safety while Using Open Road Tolling. INTENDED AUDIENCE: Those involved with toll operations who are interested in hearing about the safety practices of other agencies.
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