Renewable & Alternative Fuels

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Renewable Energy Annual

With Data for 2009   |  Release Date:  January 30, 2012   |  Next Release Date: Discontinued
|   full report

Previous Renewable Energy Annual Reports

Data Tables

Renewable Energy Trends
1.1 U.S. energy consumption by energy source, 2005 - 2009    
1.2 Renewable energy consumption by energy-use sector and energy source, 2005 - 2009    
1.3 Renewable energy consumption for electricity generation by energy-use sector and energy source, 2005 - 2009    
1.4 Renewable energy consumption for nonelectric use by energy-use sector and energy source, 2005 - 2009    
1.5 Historical renewable energy consumption by sector and energy source, 1989-2009    
1.6 Biofuels overview, 2005 - 2009    
1.7 Waste energy consumption by type of waste and energy-use sector, 2009    
1.8 Industrial biomass energy consumption and electricity net generation by industry and energy source, 2009    
1.9 Net summer capacity of plants with the capability to cofire biomass and coal, 2008 and 2009    
1.10 Average heat content of selected biomass fuels    
1.11 Electricity net generation from renewable energy by energy-use sector and energy source, 2005-2009    
1.12 U.S. electric net summer capacity, 2005-2009    
1.13 Renewable electricity net generation by energy source and Census Divisions, 2009    
1.14 Total biomass electricity net generation by Census Division and energy source, 2009    
1.15 Renewable electric power sector net generation by energy source and state, 2008    
1.16 Renewable commercial and industrial sector net generation by energy source and State, 2008    
1.17 Total renewable net generation by energy source and State, 2008    
1.18 Renewable electric power sector net generation by energy source and State, 2009    
1.19 Renewable commercial and industrial sector net generation by energy source and State, 2009    
1.20 Total renewable net generation by energy source and State, 2009    
1.21 Renewable electric power sector net summer capacity by energy source and State, 2008    
1.22 Renewable commercial and industrial sector net summer capacity by energy source and State, 2008    
1.23 Total renewable net summer capacity by energy source and State, 2008    
1.24 Renewable electric power sector net summer capacity by energy source and State, 2009    
1.25 Renewable commercial and industrial sector net summer capacity by energy source and State, 2009    
1.26 Total renewable net summer capacity by energy source and State, 2009    
1.27 Renewable market share of net generation by State, 2008 and 2009    
1.28 Renewable portfolio standards and State mandates by State, 2009    
1.A1 Other non-renewable energy consumption by energy use sector and energy source, 2005 - 2009    
1.A2 Other non-renewable net electricity generation by energy use sector and energy source, 2005 - 2009    
Solar thermal collector manufacturing activities    
2.1 Annual shipments of solar thermal collectors by source, 2000-2009
2.2 Annual shipments of solar thermal collectors by disposition, 2000-2009
2.3 Annual shipments of solar thermal collectors by type, 2000-2009
2.4 Shipments of solar thermal collectors ranked by origin and destination, 2009
2.5 Shipments of solar thermal collectors ranked by origin and destination, 2008
2.6 Shipments of solar thermal collectors by destination, 2008 and 2009
2.7 Import shipments of solar thermal collectors by type, 2000-2009
2.8 Import shipments of solar thermal collectors by country, 2008 and 2009
2.9 Export shipments of solar thermal collectors by type, 2000-2009
2.10 Export shipments of solar thermal collectors by country, 2008 and 2009
2.11 Distribution of domestic solar thermal collector shipments by customer type, 2008 and 2009
2.12 Solar thermal collector shipments by type, quantity, revenue, and average price, 2008 and 2009
2.13 Domestic shipments of solar thermal collectors by market sector, end use, and type, 2008 and 2009
2.14 Average thermal performance rating of solar thermal collectors by type shipped in 2009
2.15 Shipments of complete solar thermal collector systems, 2008 and 2009
2.16 Number of companies expecting to introduce new solar thermal collector products in 2010
2.17 Percent of solar thermal collector shipments by the 10 largest companies, 2000-2009
2.18 Employment in the solar thermal collector industry, 2000-2009
2.19 Companies involved in solar thermal collector related activities by type, 2008 and 2009
2.20 Solar-related sales as a percentage of total company sales revenue, 2008 and 2009
Solar photovoltaic cell/module manufacturing activities    
3.1 Annual shipments of photovoltaic cells and modules by source, 2000 - 2009
3.2 Annual shipments of photovoltaic cells and modules by disposition, 2000 - 2009
3.3 Annual photovoltaic shipments by cells and modules, 2000 - 2009
3.4 Distribution of domestic photovoltaic cells and modules by customer type, 2007 - 2009
3.5 Photovoltaic cell and module shipments by type, 2007 - 2009
3.6 Photovoltaic cell and module shipment revenue by type, 2008 and 2009
3.7 Domestic shipments of photovoltaic cells and modules by market sector, end use, and type,
2008 and 2009
3.8 Average energy conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells and modules shipped, 2007 - 2009
3.9 Shipments of photovoltaic cells and modules by origin, 2008 and 2009
3.10 Shipments of photovoltaic cells and modules by destination, 2008 and 2009
3.11 Import shipments of photovoltaic cells and modules by type, 2000 - 2009
3.12 Origin of U.S. photovoltaic cell and module import shipments by country, 2008 and 2009
3.13 Export shipments of photovoltaic cells and modules by type, 2000 - 2009
3.14 Destination of U.S. photovoltaic cell and module export shipments by country, 2008 and 2009
3.15 Shipments of complete photovoltaic module systems, 2007 - 2009
3.16 Employment in the photovoltaic manufacturing industry, 2000 - 2009
3.17 Number of companies expecting to introduce new photovoltaic products in 2010
3.18 Number of companies involved in photovoltaic-related activities, 2008 and 2009
3.19 Photovoltaic-related sales as a percentage of total company sales revenue, 2008 and 2009
Geothermal heat pump manufacturing activities    
4.1 Geothermal heat pump shipments by model type, 2000 - 2009
4.2 Rated capacity of geothermal heat pump shipments by model type, 2000 - 2009
4.3 Average cooling efficiency for geothermal heat pump shipments, 2008 and 2009
4.4 Average heating efficiency for geothermal heat pump shipments, 2008 and 2009
4.5 Geothermal heat pump shipments by model type, quantity, revenue, and average price, 2008 and 2009
4.6 Geothermal heat pump shipments by destination, 2008 and 2009
4.7 Distribution of U.S. geothermal heat pump exports by country of destination, 2008 and 2009
4.8 Geothermal heat pump shipments by origin, 2008 and 2009
4.9 Distribution of U.S. geothermal heat pump imports by country of origin, 2008 and 2009
4.10 Geothermal heat pump domestic shipments by customer type and model type, 2008 and 2009
4.11 Geothermal heat pump domestic shipments by sector and model type, 2009
4.12 Shipments of complete geothermal heating/cooling systems, 2008 and 2009
4.13 Number of companies expecting to introduce new geothermal heat pump products in 2010
4.14 Employment in the geothermal heat pump industry, 2007 - 2009
4.15 Companies involved in geothermal heat pump activities by type, 2008 and 2009
4.16 Geothermal heat pump-related sales as a percentage of total company sales revenue, 2008 and 2009
4.17 Geothermal energy consumption by direct use of energy and from heat pumps, 1990 - 2009
Green pricing and net metering programs    
5.1 Estimated U.S. green pricing customers by state and customer class, 2008 and 2009    
5.2 Estimated U.S. net metering customers by state and customer class, 2008 and 2009    


The Renewable Energy Annual (2009) is the thirteenth in a series of annual publications on renewable energy by the Energy Information Administration (EIA). The 2009 edition presents five chapters, accompanied with data tables, text and graphics covering various aspects of the renewable energy marketplace:

The renewable energy sources included are biomass (wood, wood waste, municipal solid waste, landfill gas, ethanol, biodiesel and other biomass); geothermal; wind; solar (solar thermal and photovoltaic); and conventional hydropower. Hydroelectric pumped storage facilities are excluded, because they usually use non-renewable energy sources for their operation. Since the EIA collects data only on terrestrial (land-based) solar energy systems, satellite and some military applications are also excluded. Definitions for terms used in this report can be found in EIA’s Energy Glossary: