Ocean Systems Training Ranges

UnderSea Warfare Training Range (USWTR)

High Fidelity In-Water Systems and Underwater Telephone capability for Anti-Submarine Warfare/Surface training.

Supports Naval Tactical Task training for:

  • Employment of Combat Systems
  • Engagement of submerged targets
  • Mission Area Training

Processes and Displays On-range Track Data:

  • Ships
  • Submarines
  • Weapons
  • Targets
  • Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUV)

Barking Sands Underwater Range Expansion (BSURE)

  • Located at the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF)
  • Supports Naval Tactical Task Training
    - Employment of Combat Systems
    - Mission Area Training
  • Provides on-range tracking:
    - Ships
    - Submarines
    - Weapons
    - Targets
    - Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUV)
  • Processes and displays track data.

Portable Undersea Training Range (PUTR)

  • Supports Forward Deployed Naval Forces (FDNF) and Submarine Forces Pacific (SUBPAC)
  • Deployable to various locations in varying ocean depths
  • Processes and displays track data either aboard ship or at a shore site:
    - Submarines
    - Surface ships
    - Weapons
    - Targets
    - Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUV)

Southern California Antisubmarine Warfare Range (SOAR)

  • High fidelity In-Water Systems and Underwater Telephone capability for ASW/Surface training
  • Processes and displays track data.
  • Supports Naval Tactical Task training
    - Employment of Combat Systems
    - Mission Area Training

On-range tracking:

  • Ships
  • Submarines
  • Weapons
  • Targets
  • Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UVV)

Integrated Maritime Portable Acoustic Scoring and Simulator (IMPASS)

  • Provides a sailor operable, sea-borne, portable, range less, five-inch gun impact scoring system.
  • Supports Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS) qualification.
  • Provides life-fire training/qualification against virtual targets.
  • Detects the splash of High Explosive and Blind-Loaded & Plugged rounds, determines the impact point, and transmits scoring information to firing ship