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Construction Program Guide

Construction Manager / General Contractor Project Delivery

The Construction Manager / General Contractor (CM/GC) project delivery method allows an owner to engage a construction manager during the design process to provide constructibility input. The Construction Manager is generally selected on the basis of qualifications, past experience or a best-value basis. During the design phase, the construction manager provides input regarding scheduling, pricing, phasing and other input that helps the owner design a more constructible project. At approximately an average of 60% to 90% design completion, the owner and the construction manager negotiate a 'guaranteed maximum price' for the construction of the project based on the defined scope and schedule. If this price is acceptable to both parties, they execute a contract for construction services, and the construction manager becomes the general contractor. The CM/GC delivery method is also called the Construction Manager at-Risk (CMR) method by state law in some states.

  1. Authority/Legal Basis - Laws

  2. Regulations

    • The FHWA does not presently have regulations concerning CMR. State DOTs must request FHWA approval to use CM/GC under SEP-14. Project approvals or program approvals are available.
  3. Orders

    • None
  4. Policy

    • None
  5. General Information

  6. Research Reports

  7. Contract Agency Evaluations / Reports

  8. Training/Conferences/Other

  9. State DOT Construction Manager at-Risk Web Sites

  10. Construction Manager at-Risk Procurement Documents

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More Information


Jerry Yakowenko
Office of Program Administration
E-mail Jerry

Construction Feedback
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Updated: 07/19/2012

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration