Dennis Debbaudt is the leading global voice on autism training for law enforcement and emergency responders.

Dennis Debbaudt was first to address the interactions between law enforcement and people with autism in his 1994 report Avoiding Unfortunate Situations. He has since authored a full length book, nearly 40 reports, book chapters and produced innovative and acclaimed training videos for law enforcement and first responders such as paramedics, fire rescue, police, and hospital staff who may respond to an autism emergency. Dennis has written for the FBI’s Law Enforcement Bulletin, the International Association of Chiefs of Police and is a cited resource for the Department of Homeland Security. He has developed training and consulted to the NYPD and Chicago Police Department. Since 1995, he has presented his multi-media training at the invitation of the Illinois Attorney General, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s Team ADAM, Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police conference, Fire Safety Educators of the Rockies Conference, Project Lifesaver International, Houston, Cincinnati, Toledo and New Hampshire training academies and in training rooms throughout North America and in Australia, New Zealand, Iceland and the United Kingdom.

Dennis Debbaudt continues these efforts to help the global autism community through his books, speaking engagements, videos, publications, and autism training presentations.

The parent of a young man with autism, Dennis Debbaudt is known for his humor, insight and is one of most sought after speakers in the autism community. Check out the rest, then get the best to share his experience, knowledge, and passion at your conference or training session!

Autism Books

Autism_Advocates_and_Law_Enforcement_ProfessionalsAutism, Advocates, and Law Enforcement Professionals Recognizing and Reducing Risk Situations for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Individuals with developmental disorders are seven times more likely than other people to come into contact with police and their responses to encounters with the law may not always be socially appropriate. [Read More]

995867 cover.inddEmbracing Autism

The voices here confirm what I’ve always suspected: everyone is part of one large continuum, and the approaches and insights recounted here can help any parent, any educator, any person deal with any child—or, for that matter, any other … [Read More]

Aspergers Books

Asperger_Syndrome_in_AdolescenceAsperger Syndrome in Adolescence Living with the Ups, the Downs, and Things in Between

Childhood and adult experiences of individuals with Asperger Syndrome (AS) are becoming increasingly well documented, yet the crucial formative teenage years have, so far, been neglected. [Read More]

COaspergerComing Out Asperger Diagnosis, Disclosure and Self-Confidence

Coming Out Asperger explores the complexity of diagnosis for Asperger Syndrome, the drawbacks and benefits of disclosing a diagnosis of a “hidden disability,” and how this impinges on self-esteem. [Read More]