United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

NRC Digital Government Progress Report

The following table summarizes the current status of our Open Government Strategy activities. For your convenience, this progress report is also available in XML and JSON formats.

Milestone Activity Description Due * Due
Status Explanation
1.2   Ensure all new IT systems follow the open data, content, and web API policy and operationalize agency.gov/developer pages. 12 months 5/23/13 Not Started Pending issuance of government-wide open data, content, and web API policy [Milestone 1.1]
1.2.1 Document policy for architecting new IT systems for openness by default. 12 months 5/23/13 Not Started
1.2.2 Operationalize /developer page. 12 months 5/23/13 Not Started
2.1   Engage with customers to identify at least two existing major customer-facing services that contain high-value data or content as first-move candidates to make compliant with new open data, content, and web API policy. 3 months 8/23/12 Completed Provided OMB with prioritized list of systems and proposed customer engagement approach on August 6, 2012. Invited the public to Tell Us Your Thoughts through the NRC Blog, a web-based comment form, traditional mail, email, phone, or fax. Engaged customers with a Blog posting and related “tweet” on August 22, 2012. Also used our RSS Feeds on August 15 and 22, 2012, to notify site visitors of the opportunity to provide feedback.
2.1.1 Paragraph on Customer Engagement Approach 3 months 8/23/12 Completed To provide customers with the opportunity to comment on proposed choices for systems to open via web APIs, we will use our social media facilities. We have used Twitter and Blog posts in the past, to advise customers of specific initiatives and to solicit their feedback. For example, we used this approach to obtain feedback as we worked to publish the Addendum to our Open Government Plan and in developing our Customer Service Plan. See Tell Us Your Thoughts.
2.1.2 Prioritized list of systems (data feeds) 3 months 8/23/12 Completed See Taking the Next Step.
2.2   Make high-value data and content in at least existing two major customer-facing systems available through web APIs, apply metadata tagging and publish a plan to transition additional high-value systems. 12 months 5/23/13 Not Started Pending feedback from OMB and subsequent comments from customers [Milestone 2.1].
2.2.1 Make 2+ systems (data feeds) available via web APIs with metadata tags. 12 months 5/23/13 Not Started
2.2.2 Publish plan on future activity. 12 months 5/23/13 Not Started
4.2   Establish an agencywide governance structure for developing and delivering digital services. 6 months 11/23/12 In Progress Reviewed proposed guidelines on agencywide governance structure, awaiting issuance of final OMB guidance.
4.2.1 Goals 6 months 11/23/12 In Progress
4.2.3 Set specified agencywide policies and standards 6 months 11/23/12 In Progress
5.2   Develop an enterprise-wide inventory of mobile devices and wireless service contracts. 6 months 11/23/12 In Progress Tasking underway.
5.2.1 Develop mobile device inventory. 6 months 11/23/12 In Progress
5.2.2 Develop wireless service contract inventory. 6 months 11/23/12 In Progress
5.3   Evaluate the government-wide contract vehicles in the alternatives analysis for all new mobile-related procurements. 12 months 5/23/13 In Progress Tasking underway.
6.3   Ensure all new digital services follow digital services and customer experience improvement guidelines. 12 months 5/23/13 Not Started Pending release of improvement guidance from GSA [Milestone 6.2]
7.1   Engage with customers to identify at least two existing priority customer-facing services to optimize for mobile use. 3 months 8/23/12 Completed Provided OMB with prioritized list of services and proposed customer engagement approach on August 6, 2012. Invited the public to Tell Us Your Thoughts through the NRC Blog, a web-based comment form, traditional mail, email, phone, or fax. Engaged customers with a Blog posting and related “tweet” on August 22, 2012. Also used our RSS Feeds on August 15 and 22, 2012, to notify site visitors of the opportunity to provide feedback.
7.1.1 Paragraph on Customer Engagement Approach 3 months 8/23/12 Completed To provide customers with the opportunity to comment on proposed choices for services to optimize for mobile use, we will use our social media facilities. We have used Twitter and Blog posts in the past, to advise customers of specific initiatives and to solicit their feedback. For example, we used this approach to obtain feedback as we worked to publish the Addendum to our Open Government Plan and in developing our Customer Service Plan. See Tell Us Your Thoughts.
7.1.2 Prioritized list of services 3 months 8/23/12 Completed See Taking the Next Step.
7.2   Optimize at least two existing priority customer-facing services for mobile use and publish a plan for improving additional existing services. 12 months 5/23/13 Not Started Pending feedback from OMB and subsequent comments from customers [Milestone 7.1].
7.2.1 Report on services 12 months 5/23/13 Not Started
8.2   Implement performance and customer satisfaction measuring tools on all .gov websites. 6 months 11/23/12 In Progress The NRC solicits and carefully considers customer feedback through optional online surveys. Survey responses serve as a guide for use in further enhancing our public Web site and our success in achieving transparency, participation, and collaboration in our regulatory activities. Pending guidance from the Innovation Center, we will assess this approach and determine whether further action is required to ensure compliance.
8.2.1 Implement performance measurement tool. 6 months 11/23/12 In Progress
8.2.2 Implement customer satisfaction tool. 6 months 11/23/12 In Progress
* Relative to the release of the Digital Government Strategy on May 23, 2012.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, August 22, 2012