United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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What Do I Do in a Radiological Emergency?

Nuclear Power Plant Event

If you live within a 10-mile radius of a nuclear power plant involved in a radiological emergency, you may receive one or a combination of the following alerts to warn you of the emergency: hear an outdoor siren, hear an indoor tone-alert on your radio, receive a route alert (the "Paul Revere" method), or a message from a geographic area public safety reverse dial warning system (i.e., REVERSE 911®).

If you get such a warning, tune your radio or television to the Emergency Alert System exit icon station for your area. The EAS station for your area is identified in the emergency preparedness information you receive annually. Follow the instructions you receive from this station. Your instructions may include directions for evacuating or for remaining in place (called sheltering) to reduce any possible exposure to radiation.

Your instructions may include directions for evacuating or for remaining where you are (called sheltering in place) to reduce any possible exposure to radiation.

Remember, in the unlikely event of a nuclear power plant accident, follow the direction of your State or local government.

Dirty Bomb Event

If a dirty bomb (radiological dispersal device) that combines a conventional explosive (such as dynamite) with a radioactive material explodes near you, you should take the following steps:

  • Move away from the immediate area -- at least several blocks from the explosion -- and go indoors. This will reduce exposure to any radioactive airborne dust.
  • Turn on local radio stations or TV channels for advisories from emergency response and health authorities.
  • Remove your clothes and place them in a sealed plastic bag. Your contaminated clothing can be tested for radiation exposure.
  • Take a shower to wash off dust and dirt. This will reduce total radiation exposure, if the explosive device contained radioactive material.
  • If radioactive material was released, local news broadcasts will advise you where to report for radiation monitoring and tests to determine whether you were exposed and what steps to take to protect your health.

For more information, see Response to Dirty Bombs.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012