United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Becoming an Agreement State

The Commission and a State may enter an Agreement whereby the Commission discontinues regulatory authority over a specific category of materials. The State concurrently assumes regulatory authority for those materials. An overview of the process to become an Agreement State includes the following:

  • Governor files Letter of Intent with Chairman
  • FSME assigns a Project Manager
  • State develops Draft Request
  • NRC staff reviews Draft Request for completeness
  • State develops Formal Request
  • A Complete Request includes supporting State legislation, regulations, and program description
  • Governor submits Formal Request and certifies State has adequate program
  • NRC staff evaluates request against 1981 and 1983 Criteria for Agreements, using FSME Procedure SA-700 PDF Icon
  • Commission approves publication in the Federal Register for public review and comment
  • NRC staff analyzes public comments
  • Commission approves Agreement
  • Chairman and Governor hold signing ceremony
  • State assumes regulation authority
  • NRC staff and the State continue post-Agreement exchange-of-information and assessment of program performance
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012