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Multifamily Rental Resource Directory

This directory provides links to resources and information for banks and others interested in multifamily finance and investment programs.


Guidance and Resources

Regulatory Guidance

Real Estate Lending
Guidelines for Real Estate Lending Policies
Concentrations in Commercial Real Estate Lending, Sound Risk Management Practices (PDF) - Vol. 71 FR 74580, 2006-12-12, No. 238

Risk-Based Capital Treatment

OCC Resources
OCC offers publications on topics related to multifamily and community development.

Community Development Investments Resources under the Public Welfare Investment Authority, 12CFR24
Under the 12 CFR 24 public welfare investment authority, banks may invest, directly or indirectly, in real estate development. Real estate development includes affordable multifamily housing projects that primarily benefit low- and moderate-income individuals, low- and moderate-income areas, or other areas targeted by a government entity for redevelopment. Banks may also invest under 12 CFR 24 if the investment would receive consideration under 12 CFR 25.23 (the CRA regulation) as a "qualified investment." Also see the OCC's public welfare investments (12 CFR 24) and its uses.

Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program
This program encourages investment in multifamily housing targeted to low-income households. OCC offers several publications with information about the program for banks.


Multifamily Finance Programs

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Multifamily Housing Programs
Lenders approved by HUD can participate in Federal Housing Administration (FHA) multifamily mortgage insurance programs, including programs for new construction, substantial rehabilitation, and refinance of rental and cooperative housing, as well as special needs, assisted living, and seniors housing. HUD also operates the Section 8 voucher program, which subsidizes rent payments for low-income individuals.

HUD Special Needs Multifamily Housing Programs

HUD Section 8 Programs

U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Housing
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers several Rural Development Multifamily Housing Programs that offer loans and grants to developers of low-income community housing.

Fannie Mae
Fannie Mae offers financial products for affordable and market-rate rental housing on apartment buildings, condominiums, and cooperatives with five or more individual units. Fannie Mae multifamily programs include debt financing through lenders for small and large multifamily loans, seasoned pool purchases, and structured transactions. Fannie Mae-approved Delegated Underwriting and Servicing lenders can underwrite, close, and deliver most loans without pre-review by Fannie Mae. The company also provides credit enhancement for tax-exempt bonds issued to finance the acquisition, new construction, refinancing, or moderate or substantial rehabilitation of multifamily housing. Additionally, Fannie Mae offers forward commitments, which allow lenders to lock in rates.

Fannie Mae published a report discussing its role in the small multifamily loan market in early 2011.

Freddie Mac
Freddie Mac multifamily programs help to ensure an ample supply of affordable rental housing by purchasing mortgages on apartment buildings with five or more units. Freddie Mac enables the purchase, refinance, and rehabilitation of older buildings and the construction of new affordable apartments, as well as senior and student housing. Freddie Mac purchases loans on mid-rise, high-rise, walk-ups, garden-style apartment complexes, and co-op buildings (but not individual units). Freddie Mac purchases these loans from its network of Program Plus and Targeted Affordable Housing Correspondents with over 100 branches nationwide.


Industry Multifamily Resources

  • Enterprise Community Partners Inc. is a national nonprofit intermediary with more than 25 years of experience in the community development and affordable housing field and is the leading provider of capital and expertise for affordable housing and community development.

  • Local Initiative Support Corporation, a national nonprofit intermediary, assembles private and public resources, enabling local organizations to access national resources and expertise and funding partners to leverage their investments.

  • Housing Assistance Council, a national nonprofit intermediary, was created to increase the availability of decent and affordable housing for rural, low-income people.

  • National Association of Affordable Housing Lenders is a membership organization committed to increasing private lending and investing in low- and moderate-income communities for affordable housing and community economic development through its private sector lenders and investors.

  • National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials is a housing and community development organization whose members administer such HUD programs as public housing, Section 8, community development block grants, and HOME.

  • National Housing Trust is a nonprofit intermediary dedicated to the preservation of federally assisted, decent, safe, and affordable housing.

  • Mortgage Bankers Association, a membership organization, represents the real estate finance industry.

  • National Association of Home Builders, a membership organization, represents the home building industry, including multifamily builders and developers.

  • National Multi Housing Council, a membership organization, represents firms engaged in all aspects of the apartment industry including ownership, development, management, and financing.

Multifamily Housing Data


Energy Conservation and Green Building Resources