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These software packages were developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code this software is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. These software packages are experimental systems.  NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used. This software can be redistributed and/or modified freely provided that any derivative works bear some notice that they are derived from it, and any modified versions bear some notice that they have been modified.

This disclaimer does not apply to software packages listed below that were created by organizations other than NIST.

Evaluation Tools

Name Description
F4DE- Framework For Detection Evaluations (includes CLEAR, TRECVid Event Detection, and AVSS Multi-Camera Person Tracking evaluation tools)
MADCATEval_1.1.0-20100201-1609.tar.bz2 (MD5) MADCAT Evaluation Toolkit Version 1.1.0
mteval-v13a-20091001.tar.gz mteval scoring script for the Open MT Evaluation, with example. Version 13a.

sctk-2.4.2-20120810-0938.tar.bz2 (MD5)

Speech Recognition Scoring Toolkit (SCTK); includes the SCLITE, ASCLITE, tranfilt, hubscr, SLATreport and utf_filt scoring tools).
sctk-2.4.0-MADCAT-BRANCH-01-20111012-1129.tar.bz2 (MD5) Speech Recognition Scoring Toolkit (SCTK) Version 2.4.0 modified for MADCAT/OpenHaRT evaluation.
STDEval-0.6-20061122-1108.tgz Spoken Term Detection (STD) Evaluation Toolkit Version 0.6 (Includes the STDEval, DETUtil and ProcGraph).
score_3.6.2.tgz Speech Recognition Scoring Package(SCORE) Version 3.6.2
DETware_v2.1.tar.gz DET-Curve Plotting software for use with MATLAB.
gnu_detware.tgz DET-Curve Plotting software for use with gnuplot.
ieeval0.6.tar.gz 1998 Information Extraction - Named Entity (IE-NE) Scoring Software Version 0.6 contributed by SAIC.
edt_.scorer.tar.gz Developed for ACE (EDT phase 1). Compares different ALEMBIC annotations for EDT phase1 task definition. Comparison is performed on ALEMBIC XML output files.
tranfilt-1.14.tgz A set of ASR transcription filtering scripts. These scripts are used in conjuction with SCTK to score the NIST speech recognition evaluations.
seg_scr.v21.tgz Generic time-based segmentation scorer with examples. Developed for the 2000 NIST speaker recognition evaluation.
TDT3eval_v2.6 Evaluation script suite for the TDT Evaluations

Language Technology Tools

Name Description
CMUseg_0.5 Acoustic Segmentation Software Version 0.5 contributed by CMU
aldistsm-1.2.tgz Alignment Distance Split Merge Program to perform phonologically-motivated split/merge alignment of word strings.
tsylb2-1.1.tgz sylbfilt.tgz Syllabification software
addttp4-1.1.tgz Text-to-phone software

Corpus Building Tools

Name Description
spqa_2.3+sphere_2.5.tgz Speech Quality Assurance (SPQA) Package Version 2.3 AND Speech File Manipulation Software (SPHERE) Package Version 2.5
sphere-2.7-20120312-1513.tar.bz2 Speech File Manipulation Software(SPHERE) Package Version 2.7
ATLAS Architecture and Tools for Linguistic Analysis Systems