Experts Guide

Title Date Postedsort ascending
Di-Jia Liu

Liu studies hydrogen storage for transportation purposes, fuel cells, and batteries, including Li-air batteries.

February 23, 2012
Khalil Amine

An expert on lithium batteries, Khalil Amine is the most cited scientist in the world in the field of battery technology from 1998-2008.

February 23, 2012
Ilias Belharouak Ilias Belharouak

Ilias Belharouak is a materials scientist and battery expert in Argonne’s Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division.

February 22, 2012
Andrew Jansen

Andrew Jansen is a chemical engineer in Argonne’s Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division who conducts R&D on advanced battery systems, including lithium-based battery chemistries for transportation.

February 22, 2012
Christopher Johnson Christopher Johnson

Christopher Johnson is an internationally recognized chemist with more than 19 years of experience conducting chemical and electrochemical research and development on battery materials at Argonne National Laboratory.

February 21, 2012
Mark Petri Mark Petri

Petri coordinates and develops research aimed at sustainable energy production and transmission, as well as the laboratory’s fossil energy research programs.

February 9, 2012
Pamela Sydelko

Sydelko has expertise in systems-level research and technology for modeling, analysis and decision support tools for national security, environmental/land use, logistics, and infrastructures.

February 3, 2012
Michael Thackeray

Michael Thackeray is a Distinguished Fellow and senior scientist in the Electrochemical Energy Storage Department at Argonne National Laboratory.

February 3, 2012
Daniel Abraham, Engineer Daniel Abraham

Dr. Daniel Abraham is a leading scientist in the field of lithium-ion batteries. At Argonne, he leads the effort to identify performance degradation mechanisms in lithium-ion cells to enable development of alternative materials and components that enhance cell performance, calendar life, and safety.

January 20, 2012
Jeff Chamberlain, Energy Storage Major Initiative Leader & head of Electrochemic Jeff Chamberlain

Jeffrey Chamberlain is the leader of the laboratory-wide Energy Storage Initiative and is responsible for managing the intellectual property portfolios for Argonne’s lithium-ion battery and fuel cell programs. He is also active in Argonne’s lithium-air battery initiative.

January 18, 2012