Experts Guide

Title Date Postedsort ascending
Robin Graham

Forest ecosystem ecologist Robin Graham is currently overseeing Argonne’s climate change and biological research for the Department of Energy.

September 18, 2012
Mark Petri Mark Petri

Petri coordinates and develops research aimed at sustainable energy production and transmission, as well as the laboratory’s fossil energy research programs.

February 9, 2012
Cristina Negri - environmental engineer M. Cristina Negri

Negri's research focuses on phytoremediation, growing energy crops, water efficiency in growing biofuel crops, and on the advanced treatment and reuse of wastewater and other impaired water.

February 8, 2012
Seth Snyder - Biochemical engineer Seth Snyder

Snyder's team develops new process technologies ranging from tree growth through fermentation and product separations with a focus on energy efficiency, biofuels, bio-based products, CO2 capture, and water technologies.

February 3, 2012